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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 11:14:20
Zhang Zhizhong
led the team night attack Wall xifengkou sword hero ,but also for "
Linyi victory "," northern Hubei victory " exploits ,and finally to
surround and annihilate the Japanese ,the killed pumpkin shop ,find
their place to serve the country killed .
Incident ,China,Japan and the actual state of war between the two
countries among the first to rise the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer
Ma Chan-shan ,and then there is "a 28th" Songhu of the war,re- opening
of the war of the Great Wall are seven seven prelude to a comprehensive anti-Japanese war front .In
this prelude to battle a few games ,the most prominent victories ,the
most brilliant ,the most important Wall xifengkou victory .This
is the nine hundred and eighteen years,the Japanese have suffered the
most serious blow to the enemy 's own admission ,is the largest
encountered since the invasion of failure and shame.At
that time twenty-nine Army thirty-third division,the division
commander ,led thousands Zhangzizhong sword death squads,forced march
and night rushed to the front line,with machetes ,grenades as a
weapon,in a dark and stormy night ,take the enemy unprepared,wiped
out the Japanese Infantry two wings,one cavalry brigade ,bloody xifengkou ,resulting in an unprecedented victory,shocked the world .Zhang
Zhizhong was awarded the Kuomintang Central medal ,so the heroes of
Wal-Mart,spread throughout the country ,including women and children .
Zhang Zhizhong Linqing ,born in 1891 ,xifengkou battle after the
armistice signed the Sino-Japanese Tanggu ,Tianjin and has served as
governor of Chahar long .
along,the Japanese wanted to draw Zhang Zhizhong ,Marco Polo Bridge
Incident ,the life he left behind Peking central Bong deal with the
enemy ,the purpose is to come onto the central army reinforcements .Later
Peking,Tianjin rapid fall,Zhangzizhong seeing big has to go,no
longer necessary to stay in Peking ,were designed out of danger.He went out cycling Tianjin ,Qingdao,and then multiply by the British steamer flew to Jinan .Zhang Zhizhong to Qingdao ,and then take the train to Jinan .Along
the way,he was in danger ,but also condemned to bear the humiliation ,
because the fall from Beijing ,the national media focus fire on him,
that he is the number one traitor in North China ,the newspaper called
him "Zhang inverse Zihjhong " .
Zhangzizhong later arrived in Nanjing ,was central also to the innocent .Chiang
Kai-shek met him ,he said :"When you physical rehabilitation ,I
order you to return forces,you have the chance to serve the country ,
back to the front to see your superiors ,colleagues and subordinates ."
Zhang Zhizhong was deeply moved.
spring and centrally appointed Zhang Zhizhong was fifty-nine army,
troops returned that day ,he Tribes declared:"Today,back to the army ,
in addition to common enemy reported abroad ,and all of them are
looking for a place killed ." all officials and people passionate ailing ,broke down in tears .
army composed shortly after the war until Xuzhou periphery,the
Japanese side attack Linyi Zhang Zhizhong was ordered Huibing forward
reinforcements ,and shortly elite troops repulsed the enemy ,the
Japanese withdrew in panic when forced Zhangzizhong continue to collect ,
destroy enemy remnants ,causing war in the history of the famous " Linyi victory ." After this incident ,Zhang Zhizhong reputed foreign ,no man that he was a traitor .At that time the central explicitly awards in October rose to the thirty-three army commander .
1939 ,the Japanese attack in western Hubei ,attack with the county ,
Zaoyang ,Zhangzizhong again personally led two Army crossing against
the big break the Japanese ,killing wounded enemy more than thirteen
thousand people,and then write down the history of war of the " northern Hubei victory ." The following year in May ,the Japanese army and build massive recidivism Xiangfan .Command
team to cross the river against Zhangzizhong was outnumbered ,but
desperate adventure Zhangzizhong attack ,led his army across the river
after intestate ,the two sides in terms of troops and weapons are all
very poor,but he did not flinch ,commanding troops courageously
attack.Nine days
the two armies fighting day and night ,the enemy suffered heavy
casualties,can not understand why this Chinese troops so hard to beat.We
later learned that a leader is Zhang Zhizhong ,immediate
reinforcements counterattack,vowing to hunt down Zhangzizhong
compounded Qianchou .
Zhizhong led his troops surrounded the last shop in pumpkin miles long
hill ,the enemy with artillery bombardment by aircraft ,bombs rain
down .May
16 ,Zhang Zhizhong guards casualties and exhausted,his body in six
rounds,repeatedly getting up rush ahead ,ask him about his
subordinates breakout escape ,Zhang Zhizhong stick does not permit ,to
the guards to the left when dying ,said:"Today I died,ask yourself report
on the state of the leaders may deserved ,you should strive to fight
the enemy,not disappoint my ambition ." generation Army Ares finally
died pumpkin shop.
admire the heroism Zhang Zhizhong ,after he died ,to bury the remains
Zhuanglian good ,grave still stuck wooden sign that reads:" Huajun
thirty-third army commander of the Imperial Army killed by the tomb of
Zhang Zhizhong ." Remains buried ,the Japanese soldiers together to salute Zhangzizhong OK .Soon,Chinese reinforcements arrived ,re- re- burial coffin over the dress .
When the coffin through Yichang ,the city's half-mast to mourn the people who go to more than 100,000 people .When
the coffin arrived in Chongqing ,Chiang Ying Ling special memorial
service in person and handwritten " Everlasting Glory " pull plaque ,
for the purpose of praise.
Zhizhong martyred ,the age of five years old,his wife Limin Hui Wen
consuming grief hunger strike died on the 7th ,the couple were buried
in Chongqing plum foothills.