作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.Tom did nothing but __down for a rest.A.lay   B.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 21:50:52
1.Tom did nothing but __down for a rest.A.lay   B.lie   但我选B.难道前面did 用过去式所以后面也用过去式?那为什么下面那题目没用呢? 2.Kate did nothing but___for.B.waited     C.wait答案C3.He told me ____.   C.he had been to Beijing twice   D.that he is watching TV答案C我选D.不是直接引语用THAT引导么?  4.____English ,he can speak several other foreign languages.  A.Beside   B.In addition to 我选A ,怎么区别它们呢?  5.Could you tell me ___?  A.When would the plane take off    B.when will the plane take off  C.when does the plane take off     D.when the plane takes off答案D  看到这题,我没思路,我该怎么解这种题呢? 6.China is a great coutry with 5000 years of history .there are many places of interest ___attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year  A.which    D.where 这时完形填空题目.我选了D 7.Have you ___the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake?  B.heard of    C.hear about 可C不也是有“听说”的意思么? 8.Turn the sentence below into Indirect Speech,which is correct?He said:"Tom,please open  the window."B.He asked Tom to open the window  C.He said that TOM open the window答案B,可我选C 9.-Do you know why Jim quarreled with his classmate?  -I don't know.___  A.Nor don't I care     B.Nor do I care   C.I don't care,neither答案B.老师说C选项"neither "改为“either ”也对.为什么这样改?不是Neither是双重否定么感谢您的时间为我解答.
1.Tom did nothing but __down for a rest.A.lay   B.
1.Tom did nothing but __down for a rest.A.lay B.lie 答案A,但我选B.难道前面did 用过去式所以后面也用过去式?那为什么下面那题目没用呢? 】
3.He told me ____. C.he had been to Beijing twice D.that he is watching TV答案C我选D.不是直接引语用THAT引导么?
4.____English ,he can speak several other foreign languages. A.Beside B.In addition to 答案B,我选A ,怎么区别它们呢?
besides 不是 beside 的复数形式
beside: [ bi'said ] prep. 在...旁边
1. He lived in a town beside the sea.
2. I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords.
我填纵横字谜的时候, 手边总有一本字典.
3. Sit beside your sister.
4. He was beside himself with rage when he saw the mess.
besides: adv. 此外
prep. 除...之外
1. The play was badly acted, besides being far too long.
这出戏除了太长之外, 演得也不好.
2. I haven't time to see the film besides, it's had dreadful reviews.
我没有时间去看这部影片--再说, 影评也诸多贬斥.
3. No one writes to me besides you.
除你以外, 没有人给我写信.
4. Peter is our youngest child, and we have three others besides.
彼得是我们最小的孩子, 我们另外还有三个孩子.
5. There will be five of us for dinner, besides John.
除约翰外, 还有我们五个人要一起吃饭.】
5.Could you tell me ___? A.When would the plane take off B.when will the plane take off C.when does the plane take off D.when the plane takes off答案D 看到这题,我没思路,我该怎么解这种题呢?
6.China is a great coutry with 5000 years of history .there are many places of interest ___attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year A.which D.where 答案A,这时完形填空题目.我选了D
7.Have you ___the love story about Xu Xian and White Snake? B.heard of C.hear about 答案B,可C不也是有“听说”的意思么?
hear of与hear about的意义相近,这两个词组在英语中有时可以通用.它们含有“听人说起”,“从书报上看到关于”等意义.例如:
I’ve never heard of him. 我从来没有听说过他.
Have you heard about him from anywhere?你从什么地方听到过他吗?
hear of + sb./sth: 听到或知道某人[某事物]的情况
eg.I have never heard of him since he left. 自从他离开后,我再没听到过他的消息.
I have heard of the song. 我曾听说过这首歌.(注意:这里提及的不是听到这首歌,而是听说过这首歌)
hear about + sth. : 听到关於某事物的消息
eg.I've just heard about his promotion. 我刚刚听到了他被提升的事.
hear of 听到,听及
eg. She disappeared and was never heard of again. 她失踪了,再没听说过.
hear about 听说详细情况,比 hear of内容具体一些.
如:I’ve just heard about his dismissal. 我刚听说他被解雇了】
8.Turn the sentence below into Indirect Speech,which is correct?He said:"Tom,please open the window."B.He asked Tom to open the window C.He said that TOM open the window答案B,可我选C
B他让Tom开窗子 C他说Tom开窗子
那么B和C的意思有什么区别呢?B的意思是:他“让”Tom 开窗子,这是一个请求;而C是叙述一个事实,他"说"Tom开窗子,类似于他“说”小明写了作业、“说”小红扫了地,这不是一个“请求”而是一个描述.很显然B的意思是对的.】
9.-Do you know why Jim quarreled with his classmate? -I don't know.___ A.Nor don't I care B.Nor do I care C.I don't care,neither答案B.老师说C选项"neither "改为“either ”也对.为什么这样改?不是Neither是双重否定么感谢您的时间为我解答.非常感谢.