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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 17:17:57
调 薪 申 请 书
你们好!我是生产部的一名员工.本人加入德士马公司已经满 2年.随着全球经济的复苏,国内经济的不断增长,人民生活水平在日益提高,而我们的薪资标准还停留在5年前的基础上.这些年来,我们依然默默无闻,兢兢业业的工作在我们的工作岗位上.最近两年,广州政府为改善农民工的收入而上调了本地区的薪资标准.作为我们生产一线的员工,公司在薪资上却没有多大的变化.我们的工作是为了德士马公司,同时也是为了我们及其家人的生活.我们希望能继续在德士马工作,同时也希望我们的工作能够得到公司的肯定.就此,我们向公司申请调薪,望公司批准.
我们目前的薪资(月薪 元,扣除社保,住房公积金共 元,月收入实际只有 元).
2011年 月 日
Raise "please book
Respect, general manager of leaders:
Hello! I'm the production of an employee. I joined tatelman and horse company already full two years. Along with the global economic recovery, domestic economy is growing, people's living standards in increasing, while our salary standard still stays in the basis of five years ago. In these years, we are still obscure, cautious and conscientious work in our work. Over the past two years, guangzhou government to improve rural migrant workers income raised salary standard in this region. As we produce a glimmer of employees, the company over pay but no major changes. Our work is to Germany and horse company, also for us and family life. We hope to continue in Germany and horse work, we also hope that the work can be company affirmation. In this connection, we apply to co raise, look the company approval.
Our current salary (monthly salary yuan, deduct social security, housing accumulation fund of yuan, monthly income actual only yuan).
Applicant: ChenJinJun
2011 February 2nd