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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 10:20:51
This article reminds me of my mother treating me very bad when I was little.She was strict with me and never concerned about me.She always blamed me when my brothers and sisters made mistakes and didn't give me any compliment when I ever gained an award.However,I gradually understand a truth when I grow up.
再问: 确定语法正确?
再答: = =。英语专业,翻译这种句子都出语法错误我就不用毕业了。
再问: 呵呵
再问: 好吧
再答: :D
再问: 帮忙翻译你下句子可以吗?
再答: 1,Use public transportation, bicycle or walking instead of cars if possible.
2, If the public transportation is unavilible, try to join the car pool.
3, Consider the fuel efficiency when buying cars (energy consumption).
4, Turn down your engine when you stop your car for more than 10 seconds, unless you are on the road or in the intersections.

5, You can decrease the air pollution caused by transportation by keeping your car in good repair.
再答: 举手之劳。
再问: 呵呵,好吧
再问: 再帮忙翻译一下这个对话可不可以?
再答: = =。你就不能重新发个提问。万一我不在线咋办。
examiner:Mr. Smith, the driving test begins.
Mr. Smith: All right, I'm ready. I've practiced for a week on our driveway.
E:OK, turn on the engine.
M: All right, here we go.
E: Slow down, don't rush. now turn right at the next street.
M: OK.
E: Why don't you try to parallel park so I can observe your parallel parking ability?
M: All right. How was I? Can I see your note?
E: No, you can't. Watch out, Mr. Smith! You are too close to that car!
M: Um..I'm a little bit excited because I am getting my driver's license today.
E: Ok, turn right now.Watch out! Wait! Stop! You almost hit the passerby!
M: Sorry, I‘ll be careful next time.
再问: 因为我相信你呀
再问: 帮忙翻译这句,要求语法正确,谢谢!1、现在我们能做的是为父母多做一些我们力所能及的事情,而不是从父母中索取些什么!
再问: 帮个忙,拜托
再答: = =。你是赖上我了是吧。。。
what we can do now is to do something for our parents as much as possible rather than ask for things from them.
再问: 嘻嘻
再问: 有点
再答: 下次你可以提问然后向我求助。我看到了会及时回复。:-D
再问: 这个可以有,爱屎屎屎你了
再问: 嘻嘻
再问: 去帮忙看一下咧
再答: = =没看到求助消息啊?
再问: 我的问题里
再答: 。。。你是匿名的啊。我什么都看不到啊。。
再问: 没有呀
再问: 我的提问里应该有呀
再问: 帮我看看那个练习6小面空格该填什么啊?怎么翻译?
再问: 拜托拜托拜托
再答: 你的提问我是看不到的。你是匿名的所以我也没法点开你个人空间看。

1, Although on

3 at
4, from for to
5, from
再问: 嗯嗯