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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 15:39:48
The State Council Premier Zhu Rongji rarely mentioned the word before the inspection of Shanghai National Accounting Institute, wrote a brush sincere words and earnest wishes four word motto " do not falsify accounts", which fully reflects the party and state leaders of the accountant occupation morals construction seriously highly, but also to the accounting workers made the police training. To this end, I will be on accounting occupation morals of as a thesis topic. The frame is mainly consists of four parts to elaborate, first of all, from the concept, characteristics and requirements of several aspects, to accountancy occupation morals of the related content to carry on the simple introduction, and then mainly according to the Audit Commission 2001-2004 year the annual audit report revealed problems, enumerates the accounting occupation morals, then from the interest drive, limitation of accounting system, low cost of breaking faith, supervision system and supervision mechanism is not sound in several aspects analyzes the causes, finally, emphasize from the following six respects put forward to strengthen the accounting occupation morals construction suggestions: perfect related laws and regulations, strengthening legal supervision; cultivate good integrity of the accounting environment; establishing accounting personnel file integrity; carry out occupation moral education of accounting; accounting occupation morals behavior to violate the increase blow strength; establish accounting job rotation system, the implementation of the accountant appointing system.
英语翻译甚少提词的前国务院朱镕基总理在视察上海国家会计学院时,挥毫写下了语重心长的四字校训“不做假账”,这充分体现了党和 咱朱总理(朱镕基)视察中央电视台,留下了十六个字(书法),请问是什么? 在上海世博会中国馆的设计和建造上,充分体现了设计师和匠师们的非凡智慧(改病句). 面对壮观的庐山瀑布(如图所示),李白挥毫写下了“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的千古名句.瀑布飞流而下时,水的(  ) 语重心长的近义词和反义词谢谢了! 英语翻译去年四季度,党中央、国务院做出扩大内需,促进经济平稳较快增长的决策部署.//之后,国家发改委、财政部迅速制定了新 关雎和蒹葭的结构充分体现了诗经在创作手法上什么的特点? 英语翻译近日闭幕的党的十八届二中全会审议通过了在广泛征求意见基础上提出的《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》.其中,方案的重 在12点前重奖 西樵南海中学校训墙上写了什么?我们要写《校训墙前》的作文 有的可以给我 12点前的可以+钱 我想我们的好总理朱镕基了. 英语翻译本文简明阐述了长期精心养护管理是充分体现设计意图和保持绿地景观的关键. 英语翻译谨慎性原则是企业会计核算中运用的一项重要原则,《企业会计制度》和已发布的具体会计准则充分体现了这一原则.谨慎性原