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英语翻译What is true is that China plans a massive highway linki

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:19:04
What is true is that China plans a massive highway linking western China to the port it is building at Gwadar,Pakistan,on the shore of the Arabian Sea.The benefits are obvious:the journey time from factory gate in,say,China's wild west,to container ships bound for the Gulf will be cut from weeks to a few days.Eventually it may even become a key energy supply route.
All of this troubles Delhi,which has long asked for China to keep its nose out of Kashmiri affairs.However,the rise of the Middle Kingdom and its need to secure passage through its own troublesome provinces of Xinjiang and Tibet through to Pakistan make this unlikely.But India suspects,too,that China is intent on becoming the hegemon of much of the eastern hemisphere – able to dictate to smaller powers the rules of the game.
In Kashmir this had led to a round of tit-for-tat diplomatic incidents.So when India refuses to allow a Chinese diplomat to visit its troubled north-eastern state of Manipur for a talk,China responds by blocking the visa of a top Indian general because it appears his command includes Kashmir.
英语翻译What is true is that China plans a massive highway linki