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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 03:55:57
With the develpment of global economy, The development of the service industry plays a key role in the economy of the whole world. The growth of service industry is gradually becoming the new highlight and focal point of the countries' economy. The development of service industry is very important for the national economy growth, increasing the employment, the adjustment of industry structure and promoting the living standard of residents of a country. Under the condition of global industry structure adjustment, the structure in our country are transforming step by step from "industrial economy" to "service economy". While striving to develop the industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization in our country, we should also speed up the development of service industry, which is the way has to be taken to realize our country's industrial structure. The national tax policy is an important means for promoting the development of service indutry and for macro economy adjustment and control. The policy not only plays a part in the production of enterprises in the micro field, but also determines the optimal allocation of industrial structure in the macro field. However, the current tax policy to the service industry has some problems existed, it impacted and restricted to certain extent the development of the service industry. According to the current tax policy, the major taxes levied on the service enterprises are business tax in the process of circuation, as well as corporate income tax and individual incomig tax. But there is double taxation existing in the business tax collection, it leads to a heavier tax burden on the service enterprises. Furthermore, the service enterprises get fewer tax preferences in our country.

英语翻译随着全球经济的发展,服务业的发展在各国的经济中都起着很重要的作用,服务业的成长逐渐成为国家经济增长的新亮点及重点 英语翻译随着经济的发展,服务业在国民经济中的比重越来越大,其中金融服务业已经成为现代市场经济的血脉,是各种社会资源以货币 英语翻译随着现代经济快速发展,全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,内部控制逐渐成为各国企业和会计学家非常关注的重要问题.近些年 英语翻译求高手将下边这段文字译成准确的英文,急用!随着经济的发展,服务业日益成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分,服务创新作为 英语翻译随着社会的发展,旅游业已成为全球经济中发展势头最强劲和规模最大的产业之一.旅游业在城市经济发展中的产业地位、经济 英语翻译随着全球经济的广泛发展,各国之间的联系日益紧密.中美贸易在此基础上也在蓬勃发展.作为亚太地区经济,乃至世界经济两 英语翻译金融是经济的血脉.在上个世纪,上海一度是亚洲的金融中心.金融业是服务业的重要组成部分,金融业发展了,就会给一个城 英语翻译改革开放以来,特别是近10年来,服务业作为湖北经济新的增长点,有了较快的发展,在缓解就业压力,转变经济发展方式, 英语翻译21世纪是服务业迅猛发展的世纪,随着广大人民生活水平的提高,追求享受,需求服务的要求越来越高.这给服务业带来了一 英语翻译摘要二十一世纪是信息化的时代,第三产业在各国的比重不断上升,特别是服务业,信息服务业成为21世纪的主导产业,这导 英语翻译服务会展活动在经济日益全球化和国际交流密切的如今,占据了各国经济发展的重要比例,逐渐成为各国现代化发展的关键,能 服务业的英文