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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 11:53:45
高手帮忙翻译论文Ⅲ 但请勿用金山等翻译工具 谢谢
Next, Disney offended French sensibilities and created a wellspring of ill will when it used lawyers rather than its executives to negotiate construction and other contract for Euro Disney. It was simply not a French thing to do. In France, lawyers are considered a negotiating tool of absolute last resort. The use of lawyers early on in the process was a sigh of mistrust and backhand rejection of French ways. In terms of operations, Disney’s ignorance of European culture and French working norms caused more problems. The company, which prides itself on the clean All-American look of its employees, instituted a strict dress code for its local employees, barring facial hair, dictating a maximum length for fingernails and limiting the size of earring. The staff and its union rebelled at this perceived attack on everyday French fashion. Morale plunged.
“It was so unlike Disney to get so many details so wrong,” says one US-based securities analyst who follows the company. “Maybe it’s not such a small world after all. The company’s cultural insensibilities cost it a lot of money and goodwill. I think it is a good reminder to any company or individual doing business in another country, the devil is often in the cultural details. They can make or break you.” But for Disney at least, all is well that ends well. After making some significant cultural adjustment, Euro Disney is no longer the economic drain it once was on company coffers.
Regarding cultural differences as a challenge rather than a problem may mean a little more investment of time and funds, but it is more likely to produce international workable teams, systems and products. This general approach albeit with variances on each case, has helped Japanese, Germans and Scandinavians adapt successfully to international markets. It has also helped cultivated the deep awareness of quality and consumer-friendliness, which characterizes the products of these successful countries, and pervades business thinking and aspirations.
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