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英语翻译Passage 1Having too many choices when shopping is consid

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 20:01:29
Passage 1
Having too many choices when shopping is considered by many people to be a big problem today.Some experts are beginning to wonder if many varieties of one thing may be too much of a good thing.
Have you tried to buy breakfast food lately?Was trying to find the right thing to eat difficult?Some stores have more than 40 varieties of breakfast food,and more are on the way.According to one expert,people can spend a large part of their lives making decisions about what to buy.For example,a simple trip to buy butter,sugar,and carrots could take all day.It's tiring to spend extra time shopping.
Some shoppers,of course,don't mind this at all.Anatoly Rosinsky,a Russian who now lives in Los Angeles,recalls,"In Russia,if you want to buy a tin of beer,you stand in line for half an hour.Then you have one choice if they have beer that day.Here,you spend 30 minutes deciding which beer to buy.In the end,you lose about the same amount of time.But this way it's much more pleasant."
Some people,however,think there is a bigger problem than losing time:stress.
"You can go into a major shopping area and after one hour it feels like your mind is dead.The reason is that there are too many things to pick from," says an expert.He adds that people nowadays feel they have to consider environmental problems (such as whether the product is harmful to the environment).They also have to consider health problems (such as whether the product contains harmful materials)."It's a very big job," he says,"well beyond the level of stress that our parents knew 20 years ago."
英语翻译Passage 1Having too many choices when shopping is consid
据一名专家说,人们可以为了决定改买些什么而付出他们大部分的生命.例如, 一次简单的外出买牛油,糖还有胡萝卜可以花上一整天的时候.花多余的时间去购物真的是很累.
有些购物者,当然,不是很在乎这些.Anatoly Rosinsky(人名,我就不翻译了,音译也不是很准),一个现居住在LA(洛杉矶)的俄国人,回想“在俄罗斯,如果你想要买一罐啤酒,你需要排半个小时的队.并且你还要看清楚今天他们是否有啤酒卖.(可是)在这里,你花30分钟的时间来选择什么种类的啤酒是你要买的.最后,你事实上是失去了差不多相同的时间.不过这种方式是非常愉快的.
他们可会考虑健康的问题(例如这个产品是否含有有毒物质) “这是一件大事,”他说“远远超出了我们上辈子人在20年前对压力的认知.”