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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 01:31:34
Yellow Ribbon
Jack and Jenny were friends for many,many years.Jack always had a yellow ribbon on his neck and he never took it off.Jenny had been curious from the start,and she asked Jack,"Why do you have a yellow ribbon on your neck?" Jack just looked at her without a word and shook his head sadly.
Year by year,Jenny's curiosity only grew.She asked Jack the same question every year at his birthday,"Why do you have a yellow ribbon on your neck?" Jack never told her the reason,and his response was the same every year:he just shook his head at her,looking very sad.
Then one year,Jenny asked the question yet again on Jack's birthday,not expecting anything different,"Why do you have a yellow ribbon on your neck?"
Only this time,Jack looked into her eyes and asked,"Do you really want to know?"
Jenny nodded,watching Jack's every move closely.
Jack smiled sadly at her.He raised his right hand towards the yellow ribbon on his neck.With one pull,the pretty ribbon fell off...and so did his head.
Jack's head rolled on the ground and his eyes were still on Jenny.The sad smile of his was forever frozen on his face.
"Do you see now?" His head asked,"This is why I have a yellow ribbon on my neck."
这个故事原名应该是叫做Red Ribbon,网上可以查到的.这里是我复述的,细节可能会有不一样的地方,但大体情节就是这样的.