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英语翻译我所经历的公司 重组2001年对于美国许多公司是极其糟糕的一年.由于经济衰退,各类公司,无论大小,上市的还是私营

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 09:25:25
我所经历的公司 重组
英语翻译我所经历的公司 重组2001年对于美国许多公司是极其糟糕的一年.由于经济衰退,各类公司,无论大小,上市的还是私营
I have experience of corporate restructuring
In 2001 for many American companies are extremely bad year.Because of the economic recession,the various companies,no matter size,listed or private,were significantly impacted.For the sake of vitality and go through tough economic situation,many companies decided to cut costs.While a company cost-cutting most important method is downsizing - this is the American company calendar year using the common way.Our company is no exception to take the emergency measures.
In formal announcement for the news of restructuring,before our building is full of all sorts of rumors.Every day at work,you can always see some gathered in grid or office whispered talking about.Although everyday work continues,but feel some unusual things will happen.The whole office shrouded in tense atmosphere.People is evident in the waiting for something that's arrival,the look in the eyes also reveals the trace of fear.As the company recently hired staff,I very unfamiliar to corporate restructuring,initially no panic.However,I heard from my colleagues more before reorganization of the story,I began to realize reorganization is how ruthless.
When our upper management in making how reorganization,I those in other companies work's friends have told me they undergo restructuring story.I know several people have been cutting.One is in the company to work for two months he was fired,Another just loan bought one place quite expensive house.They get a severance package is pitiful,only the equivalent of two months salary.Their experience that scares me,so I have to imagine how should I for the worst case make preparation.In those days and nights,as long as my friend and talking on the phone,we will exchange who was laid news,feel sorry for them,oneself also faintly have unrest feeling.
Disturbing,a month later,our upper management,finally officially announced the our company will how to restructure.The first stage is ERP,is early retirement plan.All 50 years work in the company for at least 15 years of employees may apply.To meet these conditions are being has a month to consider whether they are willing to retire ahead of schedule without surrendering medical and retirement benefits.The second stage is fired poor job performance of its employees or those skills and company offers position does not match the personnel.The first stage and nothing I relationship,but I know there are several qualified colleagues in ideological struggle,considering whether to accept ERP planning.If they accept the plan,although they can continue to enjoy medical treatment and other retirement benefits,but they will sacrifice a percentage of their salary.If they don't accept the plan,they will face was dismissed,while losing provide voluntary retirees all the welfare of danger.
The first phase comparison of the smooth,most qualified employees take this opportunity to advance retire,enjoy their hard-won retirement.Corporate restructuring in the second stage of truly remarkable.People are waiting anxiously for the so-called D - / arrival.On that day,the company requires that all employees before 8 o 'clock in the morning to the office.Then one-by-one,of every employee,he was called into his office,where the competent manager announced his or her fate.
Finally I breathed a sigh of relief,oneself in this reorganization survived.But few of my friends were invited away.One day,a friend in announcing bought have just moved into a new house.Now he has put the house on the market sell.For me,it is sweet and bitter day,I'm glad this seems to be endless process has finally ended.We will have the next round?I uncertain.
英语翻译AAS承诺X公司没有任何资产或负债,免于任何可能潜在的法律纠纷.对于公司因为X公司在上市交易过程中的任何法律纠纷 虚假出资、抽逃出资罪我在一家私营公司工作期间,公司老板为了业务方便,另外注册成立了一个公司,新成立的公司的股东是我和另外 有谁能帮下英语翻译企业文化建设对于提升公司的核心竞争力,促进公司可持续发展具有重要意义.当前我国许多公司已经把企业文化建 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司是美国的还是德国? 英语翻译1.目前全球经济危机导致航空业萧条,使的波音公司的主要顾客群体(航空公司)缺乏购买力.2.由于波音是美国的公司, 英语翻译Broadcom.是一个十分了不起的IT设计公司.美国Broadcom公司(Broadcom Corporati 英语翻译公司坐落于闻名遐迩的游圣故里徐霞客镇,成立于2003年,是一家中外合资企业,主要生产各类针织服装.目前,公司现有 英语翻译由于经济毫无回升迹象,许多公司削减工人福利,停止项目的投资.他们却将(  )视为个人选择,而不是由出生地决定的. 英语翻译公司上市前职工(员工)持股问题的解决方案公司上市前,往往由于企业改制或施行股权激励计划原因,造成持股员工数量超出 Power是美国哪个公司的品牌? 目前为止,中国企业在美国上市(纳斯达克)的公司共几家? 英语翻译不是信用证的意思,好像是指要某某公司付钱?我搞不清楚到底是别人付给某某公司还是某某公司付钱给别人?