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英语翻译The concept of international competitiveness is often us

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 04:25:12
The concept of international competitiveness is often used in analyzing countries' macroeconomic performance.It compares,for a country and its trading partners,a number of salient economic features that can help explain international trade trends.This concept encompasses,first of all,qualitative factors or factors that do not lend themselves readily to quantification.Thus,capacity for technological innovation,degree of product specialization,the quality of the products involved,or the value of after-sales service are all factors that may influence a country's trade performance favorably.Likewise,high rates of productivity growth are often sought as away of strengthening competitiveness.But it’s not necessarily the case that favorable structural factors of this sort will give rise to increased sales on foreign markets.They may,instead,show up as improving terms of trade brought about through exchange-rate appreciation,while leaving export performance broadly unchanged.It’s for this reason,as well as because these factors are hard to measure in quantitative terms,that consideration here is confined to a more restricted notion of relative competitive positions,namely that related to international cost or price differentials or,more precisely,to changes in such relative measures.
While it is sometimes possible to obtain absolute measures of cost differences among suppliers of a given good -for instance,the average production cost of a ton of steel in the United States and Japan -there is no data base that allows systematic comparison of absolute price or cost levels for a broad range of goods producedina number of different countries’.Inmost cases,therefore,all that can be done is to compare indicators which show relative price or cost movements with reference to a base period.While this is undoubtedly a drawback for some purposes,it is not a major one since changes in relative competitiveness,rather than levels of relative competitiveness,are what requiredfor analyzing trade trends is generally.
Indeed,by restricting attention to changes in rather than levels of competitiveness,some of the biases resulting from failure to take non-price elements of competitiveness into account may be mitigated-to the extent that such non-price factors do not change rapidly or systematically when relative price-competitiveness changes.
英语翻译The concept of international competitiveness is often us
虽然有时是不可能获得绝对的措施的成本差异,供应商之间的某一好举例来说,平均生产成本一吨钢铁在美国和日本-有没有数据基础,使系统的比较绝对价格或成本水平为范围广泛的商品producedina多个不同的国家' .inmost案件,因此,所有可以做的是比较指标,这些指标显示,相对价格或成本变动情况,参考一基期.而这无疑是一个缺点,为某些目的,这不是一个大以来的变化的相对竞争力,而不是水平的相对竞争力,是什么requiredfor分析的贸易趋势是普遍.
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