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英语翻译二、情景语境对词义选择的影响及其翻译弗斯 (Firth ,1957) 认为“意义不仅与环境犬牙交错,且渗透到社会

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:18:02
弗斯 (Firth ,1957) 认为“意义不仅与环境犬牙交错,且渗透到社会的每一个人的生活中.所有语言只能从环境中获得意义”.由此我们可以看出,词义的选择不仅与该词所在的上下文有关系,与语篇之外的情景因素也有着千丝万缕的联系.对于情景语境的分析有利于我们把握文章的主旨和感受整体的氛围,能为我们确定某个词的意思提供整体的帮助.情景语境穿越了文字表面上的意思,渗透到了文章的中心,对于语义的选择增加了另一层的砝码.
分析语言现象,不能把它与所依赖的语境脱离开来.例如,在布什总统准备攻击阿富汗的演讲中说过这样一句话:“The United States of America is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barbaric criminals who profane a great religion by committing murder in its name.”句中的“criminal”一词如果译为“罪犯”则不妥当.如果我们联想当时的情形,便
知布什把“those who aid terrorist”和“the barbaric criminals”即“支持恐怖分子的塔里班政权”和“恐怖分子本·拉登之徒”作为美国的敌人.这个句子不妨翻译为:美国是那些支持恐怖分子者的敌人,也是亵渎宗教、并打着宗教名义从事谋杀活动的野蛮可耻之徒的敌人.如果不能分析原文的背景,翻译时便会出错.
例(1)We have no spring here.
译文1 “我们这里没有春天.”
(=We have no spring season here.)
译文2 “我们这里没有弹簧.”
(=We have no mechanical spring here.)
译文3 “我们这里没有泉水.”
(=We have no fountain here.)
例(2)I’m sure I’ll beat John this time.
译文1 “我这次肯定会(在比赛中)战胜约翰.
(=I’m sure I’ll defeat John this time.)
译文2 “我这次肯定要揍约翰一顿.”
(I’m sure I’ll hit John this time.)
从以上两个例子中我们不难看出,虽然 “spring”,和 “beat”都有上下文作为语境,但是由于句子太过于狭窄,又没有其他的上下文进行提示和帮助,很难确定这两个词的确切意义.这种情况下的词义选择的难度就会变大,不利于翻译的进行.当上下文的语境变得像译文1、2那么宽广和具体时,词语的真正意义就容易选择和确定了.
英语翻译二、情景语境对词义选择的影响及其翻译弗斯 (Firth ,1957) 认为“意义不仅与环境犬牙交错,且渗透到社会
Influence resulted by the context from a choice of the meaning of aword and its translation
  Firth (1957) deemed that “the meaning of a word is very close to and interlocked with the circumstance, and seeps into each community’s life. Each of the languages can but get its meaning from the circumstance. ”Thus we canfind out that the choice of the meaning of a word not only bears on the contextwhere it is, but also links with the factor of the context in countless ties. To analyze the context is propitious to grasp the major idea of an article and tasteits whole atmosphere, and can help us to determine the meaning of some word inwhole. A context goes beyond the external meaning of a word, impregnate into the main meaning of the article and add another weight to the choice of the semanteme.