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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 21:24:14
老师请您详解本题 23. It’s going to rain, ________? A. will it B. is it C. won’t it D. isn’t it
解题思路: 掌握反意疑问句的构成
23. It’s going to rain, ________?
A. will it B. is it C. won’t it D. isn’t it
It is a fine day, isn’t it? It isn’t a fine day, is it?
1. 判定(判断该用肯定还是否定);
2. 找动(找句子的助动词);
3. 换代(将主语换为代词);
4. 完成(写上问号,注意语调)。
①Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution, ?
A. haven’t they B. have they C. don’t they D. do they
②—You’re new here, ?
—Yes, I’m from Dujiangyan. I came here last week.
A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you
③—This bus is always late, ?
—It sure is.
A. is not it B. isn’t it C. isn’t the bus D. doesn’t it
④It rained last night, ?
A. wasn’t it B. didn’t it C. doesn’t it D. won’t it
⑤It’s an exciting football match, ?
A. isn’t it B. is it C. does it D. doesn’t it
1. 特殊代词作主语
①在英语口语中,“I am +表语”结构后面的反意疑问部分多用“aren’t I?”来体现。例如:
Iam a worker, aren’t I ?
②指示代词this 或that; these或those 作陈述句的主语, 其疑问部分的主语分别用it或they。
如:This /That is your pen , isn’t it ? These /Those aren’t books, are they?
③不定代词everyone, everybody , anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody作陈述部分的主语,疑问部分的主语多用they,也可用he。
如:Everyone studies English, don’t they?
Someone wants to see you, doesn’t he / don’t they?
④不定代词 everything, nothing, anything, something 作陈述部分的主语时,其疑问部分的主语用it 。
如:Everything is here, isn’t it ? Nothing is here, is it ?
2. 当陈述部分的主语是名词时,反意疑问部分的主语必须用人称代词来代替。
如:Your brother has gone to the library, hasn’t he?
3. 祈使句后的反意疑问句形式
①以Let’s开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分用shall we。
如:Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we?
②以Let me或 Let us开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分用will you 。
如:Let me have a rest, will you?
③其它的祈使句后可以加一个简短问句will you,使语气变得客气一些。
如:Have a rest, will you ? Don’t stand up , will you ?
4. 主从复合句的反意疑问句形式
如:She says her brother is a worker, doesn’t she ?
②如果主从复合句中主句的主语是I,谓语动词为think, expect, believe, guess等,问句中的主语和谓语必须和从句中的主语、谓语保持一致,并要注意否定转移。
如:I don’t think he is right, is he?
We believe she can do it better, can’t she?
5. 陈述句有had better(最好)时,反意疑问部分的谓语动词用had。
如:You’d better go home now, hadn’t you?
6. 陈述句中含有否定意义的词。
如no, nothing, nobody, little, few, never, neither, hardly, seldom 等。反意疑问部分应用肯定形式。
如:Tom has never been to England, has he?
I had few apples, did I?
There was nothing in the water, was there?
He could hardly believe her words, ?
A. did he B. couldn’t he C. could he
7. 陈述句部分中含有表示否定意义的前缀或后缀(如:un-, in-, im-, dis-, -less等)的词时,
They dislike English, don’t they? 他们不喜欢英语,不是吗?
That’s unfair, isn’t it? 那件事不公平,不是吗?
You are too careless, aren’t you? 你太粗心了,不是吗?
8. 感叹句的反意疑问句形式。
感叹句的问句中的谓语动词要用否定形式,be 动词要用一般现在时形式。
如:How slowly he runs, doesn’t he ?
What a good worker he is, isn’t he ?
9. 在there be 句型中,疑问句部分用 be (not) there。
如:There is a book on the table, isn’t there.
1.You'd better to have a rest,_____________?
a. won't you b. wouldn't you c. hadn't you d. haven't you
2. Let's go to see the film,_________________?
a . will you b. won't you c. shall we d. shan't we
3. At the meeting, they didn't agree with us?____________?
a. did they b. didn't they c. had they d. were they
4. Don't forget to close the window,__________________?
a. do you b. have you . c. will you d. did you
5. I don't believe they can pass the exam.________________?
a. does he b. can't he c. doesn't he d. can they
6. Let me help you with your English study,__________?
a. could I b. shall I c. will you d. would you
7. There won't be any meeting this evening,_______________?
a. will it b. is it c. won't be it d. will there
8. You'd like some coffee,_______________?
a. wouldn't you b. hadn't you c. didn't you d. shouldn't you
9. I'm very dirty,____________?
a. don't I b. amn't I c. isn't I d. aren't I
10.Daniel didn't like to do that, did he? "______________________".
a. No, he didn't b. Yes , he didn't like to.
c. No. he didn't liked d. Yes, he liked it.
11.There was little bread in the cupboard,_______________?
a. weren't there b. was it c. was there d. wasn't there
12. Something is difficult in your life,___________?
a. is it b. isn't it c. are they d. aren't they
13. They have to do work,__________?
a. oughtn't they b. mustn't they c. won't they d. don't they
14. I don't think he is to blame,__________?
a. do I b. is he c. isn't he d. does he
15. He comes late sometimes,______?
a. is he b.isn’t he c.comes he d.doesn’t he
16. The little boy is watching TV,_______?
a.isn’t he b. is he c. hasn’t he d. has he
17. Mr Green arrived in China last week,______?
a. doesn’t he b.didn’t he c. hadn’t he d. wouldn’t he
18. He is going to watch a football match, ______?
a. isn’t he b.is he c.does he d. doesn’t he
19. Mike has lunch at school ,______?
a. has he b. doesn’t he c. has Mike d. hasn’t Mike
20. Your aunt can hardly read or write,______?
a.can he b.can’t he c.can she d. can’t she
参考答案:1-5 ccacd 6-10cdada 11-15 cbdbd 16-20 ababc
