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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:36:15
王先生在汽车站 他想去邮局 但他不知道去最近的邮局怎么走.这是她看到一位女士在附近,便去向那位女士问路.那位女士告诉他附近没有邮局,他必须乘1路车到人民医院下,邮局就在医院左边.根据以上提示写一段对话 60个词左右.
Mr.wang=M Woman=W
M:Excuse me,where is post office?
W:It's about some kilometers away to post office?
M:Yes,You need to take Bus No.1 at people hospital.you will find it on your left.
W:Thank you.
M:you are welcome
M:Excuse me,where is _the__ post office?【加the】
W:It's about __several__ kilometers away to post office_._【改为several和句号】
M:Yes,You need to take __the no 1 bus_ at __the__people hospital.you will find it on your left.【the no 1 bus调序,加the】
W:Thank you.
M:you are welcome