作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 20:48:44
1-5 CADBD 6-10 ACCBD
11-15 BCBDA 16-20 DBADB
21-25 CCDCA 26-30 BDCCB
31-35 BCCAC 36-40 BDCAC
41-45 CCDBB 46-50 BBABA
51-55 DAFGB
56. He was in a business meeting.
57. Because she didn’t want to be distracted by the noise.
58. To get his wife’s jacket.
59. His wife.
60. Brave and full of love.
61. ... decided try ... try前加to
62. ... menu looks good. looks → looked
63. ... soup with my starter ... with → for
64. ... after I could ... after → before
65. ... our main course ... our → my
66. Besides, I couldn't cut ...
Besides → However
67. ... because of my knife ... 去掉of
68. ... had a apple pie ... a → an
69. ... I ate them ... them → it
70. What a terribly experience!
terribly → terrible
One possible version:
An English Speech Contest is to be held on the afternoon of November 17 in the school auditorium. It lasts from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. One speaker from each class is to take part in the activity. The speakers will have to choose the topic 10 minutes in advance and give a speech of three minutes. Some English teachers and our foreign teacher will serve as judges. The final results will be announced on the spot. Those who are interested in the event are welcome to join in!
Students' Union
1. C.由Go ahead可知,应答者同意对方用自己的词典,故选Not at all(一点也不介意).
2. A.由but可知,设空处与had意思相反,故选disappeared(消失).
3. D.First World War是专有名词,其前需加定冠词the;comprehension在题中意为“理解”,是不可数名词且表泛指,故其前不用冠词.
4. B.在时间状语从句中应用一般现在时表将来,故选found.
5. D.题意:这项任务需要努力工作,否则将一事无成.故选nothing.
6. A.the Browns与leave之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且leave所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故选Leaving.
7. C.English class和replace之间为被动关系,且由语境可知replace所表示的动作尚未发生,故选will be replaced.
8. C.副词down放在句首时,需用完全倒装语序,即将谓语动词移到主语前,故选ran the boy.
9. B.本题用了so … that …结构,故选so.such后需跟名词.
10. D.本题是强调句,强调the way he spoke to his mother,故选that.
11. B.设空处引导定语从句修饰Peter,且由固定搭配compete with sb(和……比赛)可知应选with whom.
12. C.题意要表达的是从未与妹妹和睦相处,故选got on with(与……和睦相处).
13. B.大部分时间都在下雨使旅行令人失望,故选disappointing.
14. D.injure和girl之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且injure所表示的动作已发生,故选injured.
15. A.题意:她疼得很厉害,感觉好像(as if)有人在用刀刺她的心.

16. D.根据下文心理学家史蒂夫·威尔森解释什么是幽默感以及他建议人们如何拥有幽默感可知,该问题指“如何(how)”让我们的生活有更多的笑声.
17. B.根据下文的A sense of humor ...that you can develop可知,人们对是否能“培养(develop)”幽默感有疑问.
18. A.根据下文Dr. Wilson says和He advises us可知,威尔森博士有关于上述问题的“答案(answers)”.
19. D.根据下文的They think, “either you've got it, or you don't.”可知,许多人相信幽默感是天生的.下文的we are born with ... 也是提示.
20. B.根据下文however的转折以及What is true ... is that ... 可知,威尔森博士指出“幽默感是天生的”这一想法是“错误的(wrong)”.
21. C.22. C.根据下文的 ... laughing and smiling are fully developed at birth可知,笑是一种与生俱来的“能力(ability)”.人出生时,大脑“控制(control)”笑的部分就已完全发育好了.
23. D.“人出生时大脑控制笑的部分已发育好”与“这并不意味着婴儿具有幽默感”之间是转折关系,故用However.
24. C.根据上文的at birth和下文的when a baby laughs可知选babies.
25. A.此处列举的是婴儿的笑与幽默感之间的关系.
26. B.婴儿并没有幽默感,幽默感是后天长时间形成的“一种东西(something)”.
27. D.“人们认为自己没有幽默感”与“他们不会讲笑话”之间是因果关系,故用because.
28. C.讲笑话只是“表达(express)”幽默的方法之一.
29. C.本段是威尔森博士对如何拥有幽默感的建议——先“自嘲(laugh at ourselves)”,才能逗乐别人.
30. B.根据下文的if you have a sense of humor, you will probably find ... 可知,真正有幽默感的人“能够(able)”看见日常生活中可笑的一面.
31. B.根据下文的the sign in the window可知.
32. C.根据上文的merchandise和The store manager可知,商店经理是想让“顾客(customers)”对他的商店的售后服务留有好印象.
33. C.根据上文的impress ... with the store's excellent after-sales service可知,商店经理的“本意(purpose)”是认真的.
34. A.经理挂的标牌——有问题的商品将被调换成同等质量的商品,本意是说商店会给顾客更换有问题的商品,但与有问题的商品同样质量的商品仍然还是不好的,故如果你有幽默感就能发现这个标牌是多么“可笑(funny)”.
35. C.根据上述例子可知,幽默感就是你“看到(see)”的事物有多么可笑,而不是你有多么可笑.

A篇 (周围的人)
本文是记叙文.文章介绍了男孩里奇创办慈善基金2U Fund来帮助他人的故事.
36. B.细节理解题.根据第二段可知,里奇六岁的时候,他就为那些贫困家庭的孩子们收集过节日礼物,由此可知,在建立2U Fund前,里奇已经在做慈善事业了.
37. D.推理判断题.根据第四段的On our birthdays, we ask our friends to make a donation instead of giving us presents和Richie and his mom then give the money to a local charity可知,里奇的2U聚会主要是给那些需要帮助的孩子筹集可以买生日礼物的资金.
38. C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的His younger brother, Max, had a 2U party. Some of Richie's friends did, too可知,里奇帮助他人的善举得到了传播.
B篇 (自然)
39. A.写作目的题.根据第一段的people are very special to us ... always wants to add more以及下文介绍的Youth Volunteer Opportunities可知,这则关于Animal Shelter of Sacramento County的广告是为了招收年轻志愿者.
40. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的call our volunteer information hotline at 1-800-290-5992 to hear a recording of the positions available可知,年轻志愿者需提前了解岗位空缺情况.
41. C.细节理解题.根据最后一段的Kennel aides assist the Animal Shelter staff in feeding the animals in our care可知,kennel aide的职责是辅助动物收容所的员工给动物喂食.
C篇 (学校生活)
42. C.篇章结构题.根据划线部分上文的That means educational field trips ... are organized less than before可知,this trend指代的是教育性校外考察旅行减少这一现象.
43. D.细节理解题.根据第三段的The study showed that students became more observant可知,Greene的研究发现,去艺术博物馆的校外考察旅行能够帮助孩子提高观察力.
44. B.推理判断题.根据最后一段的She argues that even a fun field trip can be turned into an educational experience可知,Annica Lowek认为趣味性校外考察旅行也是有教育意义的.
45. B.主旨大意题.根据Greene, Winnick, Lowek对educational field trips和fun field trips的不同观点可知,本文主要讨论了校外考察旅行是否都应该是教育性的这一问题.
D篇 (社会)
46. B.推理判断题.第一段描述了阿米什人不开汽车、不用手机、不用电、拒绝科技,他们就像来自十九世纪的乡下人,由此可知阿米什人生活简朴.
47. B.推理判断题.根据第三段的Each district is fully independent and lives by its own set of unwritten rules可知,阿米什人彼此生活在独立的街区,各自遵守自己的诫规.
48. A.细节理解题.根据第四段的They grow beards only after they marry可知,已婚的阿米什男性的特点是留胡子.
49. B.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段的Most Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch at home, use High German at special events, and they learn English at school可知,大多数阿米什人都可以讲几种语言.
50. A.文章出处题.本文主要介绍了拒绝使用现代技术设施并过着简朴生活的阿米什人.故本文可能出现在报纸的文化版块.做题参考答
1-5 ACBBC 6-10 ACBCA
11-15 CCBAB 16-20 AACCB