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.短文填词Tom had never been to the north of the country before.B

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 00:30:31
Tom had never been to the north of the country before.
But he knew w ________to expect, because he had
two friends who had t ________him a lot about it.
It was certainly colder than in the south but the air
was c ________and dry, and most days the sky
was a beautiful blue.The people seemed
________(有礼貌的). In the south no one spoke
to you at bus________(停车站) or in the markets,
while here people smiled________you and said a few
words.But he was still lonely.The other students did
their________to look after him.
________(然而), he missed his family very much.
At home he was always________(围绕) by
his family and friends, while here he spent four or
five evenings a week_ s ________alone in his room.
.短文填词Tom had never been to the north of the country before.B
1. what   2. told  3.clear/clean  4. polite
5. stops/stations  6.at/to  7. best  8.  However  9.  surrounded  10. staying/studying