作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 18:09:05
一首《友谊地久天长》,让世界人民产生共鸣.今天在这首歌的陪伴下,我们的活动拉开帷幕.我是主持人刘瑞!有人说世上最珍贵的不是财富 ,而是一份真挚的情谊.因为财富并不能永久 .而朋友却是一生难得的知己.今天很高兴邀请到两对好朋友.就让我们从今天的小游戏中去寻找那真挚的友谊吧.
首先欢迎他们入场 ,作自我介绍
An "Auld Lang Syne," let the world resonate today in the song, accompanied by our activities began. Hello, everyone, I'm your host Rui! Some say the world's most valuable is not wealth, but a sincere friendship. Because wealth is not permanent. The friend is a lifetime friend. I am very pleased to have two pairs of good friends. Let us from today's game to look for sincere friendship that right.
First, they are welcome to admission for self-introduction
Today is the first word guess game guess. Two good friends, a group of words were selected. Then a student to imitate the action, prompted his teammates guess the word, limit two minutes, in a specified time guess the number of words more than the team win.
Following the second program - Variety show. The first part of the winning team preferred performance order. Here are your first group, the talent show. Good. Next, the second group of players to enjoy the show. Very grateful to two members of the performances, I would like to show you in friendship and cooperation to deepen the understanding of.
The final area is singing the classic song by their friendship song - Emil's "friends."
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