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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 22:06:42
1.--of the students are girls.
A Two in one B One in two C One out of twice D twice out of once
2.The city is--his hometown.
A large twice than B twice large than C large than twice D twice large than
3.--to take this advance course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.
A Brave enough students B Enough brave students
C Students brave enough D Students enough brave
4.I'd like to buy a computer.
We have several modeis--.
A to choose from B to choose C for choosing D for choice
5.He suggested that university and college students--to pick out the best compositions.
A should ask B being asked C be asked D asking
6.--college students are practising--English with each other.
A many of;to speaking B a great deal of;spoken C a great many;speak D a number of;speaking
7.When you write to him,please--him.
A give my loves to B give my regard to C remember me to D give my wishes for
8.She--for 9 years,yet she didn't know what kind of man she--.
A had married;married B had got married;married to C had been married;had married D married;had married to
He is tall.
A What is he like B How is he C What does he like D How old is he
10.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him--.
A not to B not to do C not do it D do not to
1.分数最常用的表示方法是 基数词-序数词,但也可以用基数词 out of 序数词.所以选C.翻译成一般的同学都是女生.
2.倍数的表达法有4种,一:倍数+比较级+than 二:倍数+as 量度 as 三:倍数+the+量度 四:倍数+that
这里从选项中看,应该用twice larger than,是第一种用法.但你B和D打成一样的了.你看题中哪个是twice larger than就选哪个吧
4.不定式做定语的时候如果是不及物动词必须要加上介词,choose的用法显然是choose from sth.所以选A
5.suggest 这个词后头如果是建议的意思,后面要用should或者省略should.这里翻译成学生被问,所以应该用被动.选C.
6.practise 要跟doing,所以选D.
7.带给我对他的问候有两种说法,一种是remember me to him,要么就是give my regards to him.B中regard没加s,所以就选C.
8.第一空用完成时,完成时只能跟持续的段动词,所以marry就转换成表示状态的be married.所以就是had been married.不能用A,B,那是一个点动词,不能后头加for表示持续一段时间..而且marry divorce engage分别表示结婚,离婚,订婚,都是及物动词,不要加to .而be married to这时候才加to.所以选C.
9.这个肯定是问某人长相的.用what is sb like,表示问某人的品质或者长相选A.How is sb 表示问某人近来的情况如何
10.这里是tell sb not to do sth.这时候不能省略to.就象别人说would you like to do sth.你回答的时候必须说I would like to.不能省略to.要么你就直接说not to do it .总之不能说not.