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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 03:26:13
(1) the water simulation:special solution is added to the water so that the viscosity and liquid aluminum similar.Equipment parameters of main consideration of bubble size and distribution in different speed,different content,different depth of immersion time to formulate practical and fine-tuning in use,so as to achieve the best effect.
(2) except the dynamic gas equipment simulation:considering the effect on rotor speed on the level,distribution,influence on surface oxidation scum bubble in dynamic irregular cavity in the.Solution bubble bubble.
(3) micro bubble flotation bed:the pulsed gas,pulsating pressure supply,pulse volume three period for comparison and based gas to determine the optimal supply mode,formed to a flotation bed.
(4) with the impeller rotation,aluminum water followed to form a vortex,the oxide film on the surface of aluminum liquid destruction,caused by inclusions and inspiratory,serious impact on the degassing efficiency.Design of anti swirl impeller with wings,can effectively prevent this point.A design of the impeller blade inclined and flat,side open multiple micropores,the blade repeated shear the bubble micro dispersion.
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再答: (5) argon or nitrogen through a relatively high shear rotor graphite and aluminum liquid, to produce fine bubbles and uniform distribution in aluminum melt. Due to the bubble of hydrogen partial pressure is zero, the partial pressure of hydrogen in aluminum melt, aluminum liquid hydrogen diffusion in the bubble gradually to. At the same time, metal and non-metallic inclusions in liquid aluminum is adsorbed on the surface of bubbles, floating with the bubble, so as to achieve the removal of hydrogen and inclusions in liquid aluminum purpose.
(2010•虹口区一模)某小组同学探究影响浮力大小的因素时,将体积相同、形状不同的物体A、B分别浸入水中不同深度处,并仔 小明为了探究物体在水中不同深度所受浮力的变化情况,如图所示,将一挂在弹簧测力计下的圆柱体金属块缓慢浸入水中(水足够深), 在水杯中加半杯水,然后将一根吸管分别插入水中不同的深度,用嘴吹气,使水下冒气泡,你会发现有什么区别 大小不同的泡沫塑料块,完全浸入水中,它们受到的浮力相同吗?塑料块受到的浮力大小主要与什么因素有关? 处于悬浮在水中的不同物体,按说他们的密度是相等的,都等于水的密度,但是为什么他们悬浮在液体不同深度处 为什么密度计在不同液体中所受浮力相等但浸入深度不同? 在NaHCO3溶液加入少量石灰水.在石灰水中加入少量的NaCO3.这两者有什么不同吗?它们的反应方程式为什么不同?还有, 相同的物质在不同的状态时 其密度不同 其原因是:A体积不同.B温度不同.C形状不同.D质量不同 大小相同、轻重不同的物体,在水中的沉浮情况是(). (2012•广陵区一模)小王为了探究物体在水中不同深度所受浮力变化情况,将一挂在弹簧测力计下的圆柱体金属块缓慢浸入水中( 请你在图中水池内画出池塘第一乒乓球往上运动在不同深度的体积大小的大致示意图.如果你曾经仔细观察过, 下列图像是在一定温度下向不同电解质溶液中加入新物质时溶液的导电性能发生变化,其电流强度(I)随新物质加入量(m)的变化曲