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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 21:00:11
1、notes第二本经济学P21的deadweight loss图根本不懂为什么overproduction和underproduction是这样的
2、notes第二本P30的图搞不懂gain和loss in producer surplus
3、第二本P69有这么一句话:as long as price is greater than average fixed costs,the firm will minimize its losses in the short run by continuing in busniss.感觉错了吧是可变成本而非固定吧?
7、p107第三段末尾有这么一句:This may even cause production to take place when it would not otherwise.(搞不懂翻译下顺便连同前面解释下)
8、p107第三段开头compared to the quantity produced under perfect competition,the quantity produced by a monopolist reduces the sum of consumer and producer surplus by an amount represented by the triangle labled deadweight loss(DWL) in panel (a) of figure 20.(哪里和producer loss扯上关系了)
9、p125professor's note上面末尾:this equation shows that private savings must equal private investment,minus government borrowing or plus government saving,and minus the trade deficit or plus the trade surplus(好像govenment borrowing应该加上吧而goverment savings应该减去吧)
10、没搞懂real interest rate和price level有什么区别,感觉好像一个概念似的
11、p149的第三题答案最后一句:the value added at earlier stages would not be included in GDP if it's deducted from the retail price.(没懂)
12、P164的例题的答案第一段说commercial and industrial loans和CPI for service是滞后性指标,industrial production和personal income是同期指标,这些指标显示商业周期处在衰退阶段(不是都增加了吗还衰退?)
13、p170第十题答案中decreasing unemployment rate(a lagging indicator)表明expansion phase(这个怎么回事不懂)
15、P178最底下有一句:the central bank purchases securities from banks that,in turn,agree to repurchase the securities at a higher price in the future.(怎么一直证券在银行手里,搞不懂)
16、p179介绍open market operations:when the central bank buys securities,cash replaces securities in investor accounts……搞不懂投资者本来投资的不是钱吗怎么会后来变成钱了
17、p180假设经济萧条时的传导机制过程的第一步:the central bank buys securities,which increases bank reserves.(衰退时应该增加货币供给啊怎么增加储备金去了,储备金不是暂时存着不流通的吗)
18、p187los19m上面有一句:If taxpayers underestimate their future liabilities for servicing and repaying the debt,so that aggregate demand is increased by equal spending and tax increases.(怎么会随着税收增加而增加)
19、P194的总结monetary policy(easy)和fiscal policy(tight)的output为什么varies.
20、p198的第八题答案:decreasing the overnight lending rate would add reserves to the banking system.(怎么会储备金增加的)
21、p217的第五题C选项a shift in production toward higher-cost suppliers?为什么对的啊这和配额、自愿出口限制有什么关系?