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英语完形填空How big is space?That is a question man has been askin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 10:47:06
How big is space?
That is a question man has been asking since the beginning of time.When your grandparents were in school,it was 36 that the Universe was very 37 perhaps only 5,000 light years 38.500 years ago people considered that the Universe was only a little bit 39 than the Earth.In modern times with the 40 of technology we are finally starting to 41 the immense (无边的) size of the Universe,and it is much bigger than anyone 42 have ever imagined.Scientists cannot stretch (伸展) a measuring tape from the Earth to a nearby star,so 43 do they know how far away they are?Scientists use something 44 Parallax (视差).Parallax means 45 that they look at how much the stars move in the sky 46 throughout the year as the Earth circles the Sun.This is not something 47 to you.In fact if you stretch out your hand in front of you and 48 your thumb,while 49 one eye,and then the other,your thumb will 50 to move back and forth.Stars do the 51 thing,but our eyes are too close to see the 52.However if we take a picture while on one side of Earth’s orbit,and then take another when we get to the 53 side of the orbit,then we have a large enough 54 that we can see the stars parallax,and 55 how far away they really are.36.A.measured B.said C.thought D.proved 37.A.old B.big C.mysterious D.small 38.A.over B.across C.through D.outsides 39.A.bigger B.smaller C.heavier D.nearer 40.A.popularity B.power C.energy D.strength 41.A.grasp B.control C.imagine D.feel 42.A.would B.should C.could D.might 43.A.what B.why C.how D.when 44.A.honored B.called C.considered D.believed 45.A.actually B.especially C.generally D.simply 46.A.in and out B.back and forth C.sooner or later D.up and down 47.A.unacceptable B.unfamiliar C.unbelievable D.unnatural 48.A.look at B.shake C.glare at D.notice 49.A.covering B.opening C.controlling D.hiding 50.A.continue B.happen C.stop D.appear 51.A.common B.different C.strange D.same 52.A.result B.effect C.difference D.similarity 53.A.suitable B.same C.opposite D.correct 54.A.distance B.length C.height D.width 55.A.realize B.determine C.recognize D.decide
第36个 为什么是 thought而不是A 第38个为什么用across 这里的用法是什么?有什么相关根据么?
滴41个为什么不是感觉呢 为什么是A 第45个为什么不是总体上而是仅仅?第46 跪了……
英语完形填空How big is space?That is a question man has been askin
36,measured 意为测量,综合上下文,我们知道,宇宙的大小是根据理论估计出来的,而不是测量出来的数值.
再问: 额 谢谢您 可惜最好就一个 感觉您的太牵强了……
再答: 是有点儿,没有从英语的语法来分析,而是单纯从文章内容出发来分析,看起来是有点牵强。