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英语翻译Stories of a mysterious island called Atlantis date from

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 10:50:28
Stories of a mysterious island called Atlantis date from around 400 BC.Ever since then,people have been searching all over the world for it.
It was Plato,a Greek philosopher(哲学家),who first wrote about the long-lost na¬tion.According to him,more than 9,000 years before,Atlantis had been a great and rich nation.He described Atlantis as a beautiful place where all the people were happy.Lots of elephants and horses lived on the island.There was enough money and food for everyone,and the people spent their time building temples and gardens.Sadly for the people of At¬lantis,this happy life did not last forever.Plato described how a huge earthquake de¬stroyed the island,and the following flood covered it with water and Atlantis disappeared under the sea.
It is an amazing story of a beautiful city hidden for thousands of years under the sea.Unluckily,there is no evidence (证据) to suggest that Atlantis ever existed.Plato said that it was in the Atlantic Ocean near Gibraltar,but after hundreds of years of searching,nothing has been found.
However,this has not discouraged many researchers and historians who are sure that Atlantis does exist.Hundreds of books have been written on the lost island and there are now and then new ideas about possible locations.Some people think it is really the Greek island of Thera,which was destroyed by a volcano(火山) in 1,500 BC.Others believe At¬lantis was in Turkey,Spain,America or Africa.One 17th- century expert was sure that Atlantis was in the Arctic Ocean.
Only one thing is certain:until someone really finds a ruined city somewhere under the sea,the existence of Atlantis will remain a mystery.
英语翻译Stories of a mysterious island called Atlantis date from