作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.it`s said theat people who are___mustn`t have chocolate

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 09:36:39
1.it`s said theat people who are___mustn`t have chocolate
a.in a diet b.on a diet c.in the diet d.on the diet
2.my back is very ___because i moved a heavy bookshelf yesterday
a.pain b.paining c.painpul d.painless
3.i ___get sick ,but i suffered from a serious cough last winter
a.rare b.rarely c.often d.usually
4.next year she ___18 years old
a.is going to be b.will be c.is to be d.would be
5.-i`ve decided to repaint this room
-oh,have you what colour ___it?
a.have you pained
b.do you painted
c.will you paint
d.are you going to paint
6.-the weather is so nice and i am going to sit in the garden
-that`s a good idea.i___you .
a.will join b.am going to join
c.am joining d .join
7.-remeber to lock the door when you leave
a.i`m going to b.i shall c.i will d.i have to
8.you ___something when you look at it very hard or watch it carefully
a.finger b.ear c.eye d.see
9.we __the boat out to sea
a.headed b.drove c.pushed d.moved
10.she eats all the time but never____..
a.becomes fatty b.gets fat c.losed weight d.stays fit
11.she has a__and often spends money on chocolates and cakes
a.stomach b.throat c.mouth d.tooth
12.-have you locked the door?
-i will go back and make sure that i___.
a.do b.did c.have d.had
13.these shose don`t____me.have you got a larger size?
a.suit b.fit c.match d.agree
14.it`s____that all the people invited will come by the o`clock
a.sure b.surely c.certain d.certainly
15.in order to leran english.i bought a radio to ___BBC english
a.pick up b.pick out c.turn up d.turn out
1.it`s said theat people who are___mustn`t have chocolate
1 b on a diet 译为节食,考词组,据说节食减肥的人不能吃巧克力.
2 a 名词形式.我的背很疼因为昨天搬了很重的书架.
3 b 副词形式,因为主谓宾存在,我很少得病,但去年寒假得了很严重的感冒.
4 b a项是将要做某事,此题是客观事实,所以是明年她将18岁.
5 d
6 d 我加入你,现在时即可.
7 c 可以说这题考词组吧,I will译为 我会的.
8 d se很e还有明白的意思,当你很细心、仔细看某种东西的时候你就会明白.
9 b 考搭配,c项是推,排除;a项是朝.,主语应该是人,排除;d项意思不对.我们将船驾驶出海.
10 b a项是油腻的;多脂肪的意思,注意了.她总是吃但不会变胖.
11 d a项不存在这个结构 b 嗓子痛 c话多的人 d喜欢吃甜
12 b 确定我之前做的,所以用过去时.
13 a sth suit sb ;
14 c 固定搭配,it is certain that---什么什么是确定的.
15 a a 译为收听(bbc广播英语);b 识别;c 出现 、音量开大等;d 结果是.