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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:02:50
Book 5 Module 5参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DACCA 6-10 DCBAD
11-15 BCADB 16-20 ACDBA
21-25 DCBDC 26-30 ADBAC
31-35 CABDA 36-40 DCBDA
41-45 CBAAC 46-50 CACAD
51-55 EBAGF
56. Because she got a deadly disease.
57. After she could stride. / When she was 13.
58. Because she always came in last.
59. From Germany.
60. She won / earned three gold medals.
61. ... remain openly ... openly → open
62. So does ... does → do
63. ... a two-days weekend.
two-days → two-day
64. ... people spent their time ...
spent → spend
65. He may go shopping ... He → They
66. ... take up part in ... 去掉up
67. ... favorite winter sports. favorite前加the
68. ... work out something ... out → on
69. ... since others are ... since → while
70. ... repair their houses ...
repair → repairing
One possible version:
A reading activity will be held in our school, which will last one month. Its aim is to encourage students to read and enjoy classical books. In this activity, students are required to read certain books which will be introduced by some teachers, and then write essays to share their ideas about these books. Some of the best ones will be selected and awarded prizes.
As is known, reading can broaden our horizons and enrich our life. So it is certain that everyone will benefit from it.
You are welcome to join in this activity.
Students’ Union

1. D.the number of ... 意为“……的数量”;on the increase意为“正在增加”.
2. A.题干使用了强调句式,强调的是时间状语on a rainy night,故选that.
3. C.as soon as在此处引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”.
4. C.题意:比尔原本不打算去参加聚会,因为他有太多的作业要做,但他到底(after all)还是去了.in all总共;above all首先,尤其是;at all根本.
5. A.“他知道它很危险”与“继续做实验”之间是让步关系,故选even though.
6. D.在时间状语从句中,常用现在完成时代替将来完成时.
7. C.The chances are (that) ... 意为“可能……”.
8. B.题意:这家公司比它的竞争对手有绝对的优势(advantage).have an advantage over ... 胜过/优于……,占优势.assistant助手,助理; importance重要性;opportunity机会.
9. A.retire与句子主语Mike之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且retire表示的动作发生在spent之前,故用动词-ing形式的完成式.
10. D.由下句中的Either one will do 可知,Up to you(由你决定)符合题意.That’s not the point这不是问题所在;You may be right你或许是对的;So what那又怎么样.
11. B.由下文的what has happened in the past可知,它是对过去所发生的事情的一种“记载(record)”.
12. C.由上文的the really interesting thing和下文的time and again可知,这里是说:有趣的是,历史中的很多故事被现实中的人们一再“重复(repeated)”.
13. A.由上文的It allows us to learn from the past和下文的the successes achieved可知,这里是说:我们可以从历史故事所记载的那些人们所犯的“错误(mistakes)”中和所取得的成就中学到很多东西.
14. D.由下文的it allows us to know how famous people ... in their life可知,这里是在说了解历史的“好处(advantages)”.
15. B.名人们在生活中遇到困难的时候如何“作出反应(reacted)”.
16. A.此句中的两个分句之间是一种让步关系,故填Although.
17. C.由上文的a certain time in the past or 可知,这里是从时间和空间两个角度来阐述的,故填different.
18. D.这些挑战总会教给我们一些“有用的(useful)”东西.
19. B.本段引用了爱迪生发明电灯泡的故事,故填story.
20. A.由下文的on the road to finally inventing the light bulb可知,爱迪生在发明电灯泡的过程中“失败(failed)”过无数次.
21. D.他是一个“从未(never)”停止过尝试的人.
22. C.由下文的but he did not let them stop him可知,他曾经因那些困难而“沮丧(discouraged)”过,但是并没有就此止步.
23. B.由下文的he just kept trying until he reached success可知,这里是说:他有自己的“梦想(dream)”.
24. D.25. C.尽管林肯遭受了种种“个人的(personal)”损失,他还是“设法(managed)”成为了美国总统.
26. A.由上文的Most of us only know about his success和下文的his life was not an easy one可知,这里是说:我们大多数人仅仅看到了他的成功.“事实上(In fact)”,他的人生道路并不平坦.
27. D.不管我们在生活中遇到什么“困难(difficulties)”,他的故事一直鼓舞着我们前行.
28. B.29. A.这些真实的历史故事会让你停下来重新考虑是否要“放弃(giving up)”那些你现在还没有“能力(ability)”去获得的东西.
30. C.由下文的when you have no idea what to do可知,这些故事可以帮助你作出决定或“判断(judgments)”.
31. C.细节理解题.由Rick Reilly of Sports Illustrated一节中的Rick Reilly became famous ... Then he moved to ESPN in 2008可知,Rick Reilly在来ESPN工作之前是给Sports Illustrated杂志写文章的,故选C项.
32. A.词义猜测题.由下划线部分前后的相关内容可知,Bob Ryan受益于其在篮球方面的专长而频频升职,并且他写了大量这方面受人瞩目的文章.由此可见,他是这方面的行家,故选A项.
33. B.细节理解题.由John Feinstein of The Washington Post一节中的John Feinstein is primarily a columnist ... he has published two best-selling sports books和William Rhoden of The New York Times一节中的Apart from being a columnist ... William Rhoden is a respected sports journalist known for his two books可知,John Feinstein和William Rhoden都是专栏作家并且都写书,故选B项.
34. D.标题归纳题.由文章首段和文中的几个小标题可知,本文主要介绍了五位知名体育记者,故选D项.
本文是记叙文.文章主要向我们讲述了第一位成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰的盲人登山家——Erik Weihenmayer.
35. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的Rather than focus on things that he could not do ... he then became interested in rock climbing可知,Weihenmayer在失明之后才选择了爬山这项运动,故选A项.
36. D.段落大意题.由第二段中的Weihenmayer decided to climb Mount McKinley;He prepared for the climb;the time approached for him;At last, Weihenmayer made it可知,本段主要讲述了Weihenmayer征服麦金利山的经过,故选D项.
37. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的Weihenmayer decided to climb Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America和第三段中的Then Weihenmayer went on to climb Mount Qomolangma可知,他很勇敢;由第二段中的He prepared for the climb by repeatedly running up and down the stairs in a 50-story building while wearing a 70-pound backpack可知,他是个很有决心的人,故选C项.
38. B.推理判断题.由第一段中的he ... always imagined what it would be like standing on top of the world以及文中有关他战胜困难、走向成功的描述可知,Weihenmayer旨在强调想象对于成功的重要性,故选B项.
39. D.推理判断题.由第一段中的several scientific studies have been conducted ... gives the monster many places to hide可知,目前对于尼斯湖水怪存在与否仍不得而知,故选D项.
40. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的deeper than any other lake besides Loch Morar可知,A项说法正确.
41. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的And there are more tourist attractions where the whole family can relax and have fun可知,作者接下来很可能继续介绍一些游览景点,故选C项.
42. B.写作目的题.本文主要向我们介绍了尼斯湖的一些相关情况,包括传说中的水怪、地貌特征以及部分景观等,故选B项.
43. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的The new education standards for English ... it is not on standardized tests可知,教师们在讨论学生是否应该继续学习草写体,故选A项.
44. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Many of them tell me that they couldn't begin to understand their poem until they copied it by hand可知,Ms. Avery之所以提到她的学生是为了说明手写所带来的积极一面,故选A项.
45. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的When you have three letters connected in a word, it flows ... it is faster than printing可知,Ms. Avery认为草写体比印刷体效率更高,故选C项.
46. C.推理判断题.由文中第三段的If students can’t write cursive, they can’t read cursive. And if they can’t read cursive, how can they read historical papers like the Declaration of Independence 可知C项正确.
47. A.写作目的题.由第一段中Michelle Obama, Kate Moss和Samantha Cameron三位妈妈的事例以及New research has shown that women with daughters tend to be more stylish than mothers of sons可知,本段旨在说明女孩们对母亲在衣着方面的选择有一定的影响,故选A项.
48. C.细节理解题.由第三段中的Women who don't have daughters become less interested in style as they grow older可知,C项说法正确.
49. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的with 40 percent of women between the ages of 19 and 34 ... as good as they expected可知,部分女性对于她们母亲为其挑选的衣服并不满意,所以她们不愿意听从其母亲在衣着方面为其提出的建议,故选A项.
50. D.主旨大意题.总览全文可知,作者主要讲述了家有女儿的妈妈们比家有儿子的妈妈们更时尚,最主要的原因是女儿往往对服装更挑剔,能给出更好的建议,故选D项.

1. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的Austin and other homesick English settlers ... provide them with game to hunt可知,Thomas Austin远离家乡来到澳洲,为了消除孤独他带来了一些兔子,故选D项.
2. A.段落大意题.由该段中的These little creatures ... destroyed almost everything in their path和changed the local ecosystem以及erosion became a serious problem等信息可知,本段主要讲述了这些兔子所带来的问题,故选A项.
3. B.词义猜测题.由下划线词所在句中的moving in and taking over their homes可知,这些兔子把沙袋鼠和其它一些现在已经濒危的动物赶走后住了进去,故选B项.
4. C.推理判断题.由第三段中的a rabbit-proof fence that would cross the continent from north to south可知,防兔篱笆由北向南贯穿澳洲大陆,后面又提到The project required 400 camels, 150 horses, 50 donkeys, and 4 teams of oxen,由此可知,建这么长的篱笆难度非常大,故选C项.
5. A.标题归纳题.总览全文可知,文章主要向我们介绍了澳大利亚的防兔篱笆,故选A项.