作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/08/01 01:03:57
A B对话的形式,用上10个语法中的8个,组成10段对话,尽量不要太短,如果短需要再加一段对话,因为太短会扣分(实在扣不起分了).无奈其中成绩不理想,期末打满分也就是个C,求求各位大哥大姐,帮帮小弟.
1:dependent clauses with when
2:dependent clauses with before and after
3:could and should
4:gerunds after prepositions
5:present perfect continuous tense
6:separable phrasal verbs
7:past continuous tense
8:past continuous and simple past with when and while
9:future conditional clauses with if
10:future clauses with before and after
(Jack 与 Tom 两人是好友)
Jack:What will you be doing tomorrow Tom?(Future continue tense)
Tom:You should know me well,I usually go fishing with my dad on Saturdays when the weather is fine.How about you?(1)
Jack:I have nothing particular in mind yet.But after I have finished my homework,If it is still early then I shall go and visit my aunt.(2,9)
Tom:Don't you have a fish keeping hobby?What should you do to keep your fish healthy?(3)
Jack:Different from you,I don't kill them with fishing hooks!How could you such thing?Don't you think fishing it is a bit cruel,how can you call it a sport?(3)
Tom:You don't understand,fishing doesn't kill fish.We put them back into the water and let them free again!
Jack:Not after a painful struggle of those poor fish.(4)
Tom:Fish don't feel the pain!
Jack:Who are you kidding?Why don't you try and hook yourself up with your fishing hooks and see?How ridiculous!
Tom:My father told me that!
jack:Then your father has been telling you wrong!There is no such thing as no pain feelings.All living things feel pain,no exception for fish!(5)
Tom:I don't know!my father had been telling me all the time and I believe him.OK?(7)
Jack:All right Tom calm down,I was only teasing you.I didn't say that I am taking you to jail,so just relax!(8)
Tom; OK then,let's forget it and talk of something else.How about you?What do you need to keep your fish tanks so clean and nice?
Jack:They are not my fish tanks.They belong to my dad actually.I only help to look after the fish and feed them.Sometimes when we need to buy some new fish,my dad would let me choose one or two of them,that's all.
Tom:How many fish do you or your dad has now?
Jack:As you already knew,we have three rather large tanks,all full of fish and because they tropical ones,so most of them are very tiny.I lost count of them now.
Tom:Why you only keep tropical fish then?
Jack:because my dad said that keeping marine fish has too many work to do and very expensive.So,we only keep tropical one.They are equally pretty and cost much less to keep.
Tom:As the matter of fact,I would like to keep fish too.
Jack:What?Do I hear you right?keeping fish,you?
Tom:Yes!but after seeing your three large tanks at your home.I don't want a small one,and my home has no space to house a big one,so I don't think that I would after all,and stick to fishing instead.
Jack:So,nothing or everything then huh?
Tom; Well,exactly how large are your three fish tanks,Jack?
Jack:The small one is 220 litres,medium one is 300 litres and the large one,my dad said about 700 litres but the actual water capacity is 600 litres.So we have more than a ton of water at home with all three tanks put together!(6)
Tom:God!that must need a lot of work taking care of them.
Jack:You can't be more wrong.In fact,bigger the fish tank less you need to work.
Tom:Why is that?
Jack:Because when you have a bigger tanks then it can hold more water,with bigger filtration system,thus it will less easy to get dirty.Particularly,we only keep tiny fish.They eat less and soil less.(10)
Tom:How often do you change the water?
Jack:Yes,never,when the water is evaporated a little,we add them back straight from the tap.Usually,it is a wrong thing to do if the tank is small.The water must be treated before adding into it,but when the tank is big,then the new water's proportion is small.It does less harm to the fish,and our fish has already got used to it.
Tom; really?
Jack:Yes,we have not changed any water for many years now,all fish are still healthy and happy.