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英语作文!假如你是Carl Smith ,年龄21岁.请根据下面信的内容写一封求职信.Wanted:do you wan

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:29:39
假如你是Carl Smith ,年龄21岁.请根据下面信的内容写一封求职信.
Wanted:do you want a busy but exciting job do you want to work with actors and other interesting people?can you speak two languages are you good at writing and talking?we need a reporter.call us at 555-3256.
提示词语:give sb.a chance 给某人一次机会;do one's best 尽力
Dear Sir,
I'm Carl Smith.________________________________________________
英语作文!假如你是Carl Smith ,年龄21岁.请根据下面信的内容写一封求职信.Wanted:do you wan
Dear Sir,
I'm Carl Smith.I'm writing to you applying for your occupation of reporter.To be a reporter has been my dream ever since I entered my university and I'm really working on it though it is not easy.It's a busy job but I find it exciting,and I find it interesting to work with actors and other people.Besides,I can speak two languages which is helpful to being a reporter,and I'm good at writing and talking.All above makes me qualified to be a reporter.
If a chance were given to me,I would do my best.I'm looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards
Yours Sincerely
英语作文根据提示写一封求职信提示:假如你叫Carl Smith.你擅长写作和谈话.希望在电视台从事记者工作,你的年龄21 一篇英语作文~假如你是Mr Knowledgeable,请根据下面信的内容,给Lisa回一封信,提出你的建议.信的开头已 英语作文 50词左右假如你叫Carl Smith 你擅长写作和交谈 希望在电视台从事记者工作 你的年龄是24岁 会英语和 英语,作文!阅读下面一则招聘广告,然后写一封求职信.wanted:Do you like children?Are yo 英文作业求职信作文根据下面的广告写一封求职信Technician wanted,skillful in repairin 八年级上册英语作文,假如你是Betty,你的中国笔友Meimei给你来信了,请根据信的内容给她写一封回信.速度啊 假如你是Mr Knowledgeable,请根据下面信的内容,给Lisa回一封信,提出你的建议.信的开头已经给出(80词 急求大学英语作文,要求写一封辞职信,假如你是某公司的员工,根据给的内容写辞职信 如果好的话 多加 英语作文:假如你是某公司营销部经理,请给Join smith回信,回信内容: 某中外合资企业在一家英文报上登了一则广告,招聘一名秘书。假如你叫李华,请根据下面的简历表用英语写一封求职信。 求一篇英语作文假如你是李华,从《今日中国》上的广告得知其公司需要一名秘书 请你根据以下信息写一封求职信1 年龄22岁2 英语作文!假如你是王林,你新交了一位美国的笔友Helen.请根据下面信息提示写一封电子邮件,在信中介绍一下你自己,可适当