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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/29 10:25:13
The person I love most is my grandfather.My grandfather also has a good heart.From him I can learn the endurance,self-discipline,courage,paticipation and positive attitude.In my childhood,he always walks with me.Our usual walk was to the park near our house.He went to work on time,and despite nasty weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.When my grandfather was young,he joined the army.I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for him to subject himself to such stress when he saw many his friends died in wars.Now my grandfather tries to partictpate in many activities.He likes to go to dances and parties.He loves travel and he always takes many photos.I love him but I’ve never said”love” to him for my shame.I hope he knows that how I admire him,how I love him,How I rely on him.I think of him when I am envious of another’s good fortune,when I complain about trifles,when I want to help other people.I love my grandfather most.
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再答: 我最爱的人是我亲爱的外公,因为他有一颗很善良的心。我可以从他身上学习到很多,比如忍耐,自律,勇气,积极乐观的心态。在我的童年时代,他总是陪我一起走路,通常都在我家附近的公园。除了天气不好之外,他总是准时去上班,他不会错过任何一天的工作,即使很多人都做不到。我外公年轻的时候参过军,我不能想象当时他需要鼓起多大的勇气,承受多大的压力,当看到他的朋友在战场上死去。现在我的外公试着参加很多休闲活动,他喜欢跳舞和聚会。当他旅行回来,总能带回很多照片。我爱我的外公,但是从来没有当他的面说过,由于我的害羞。我希望他知道我是那么的崇拜他,和爱着他。多么多么的依赖她。当我羡慕其他人的好运,当我抱怨,当我帮助他人是,我总能想起我的外公。他是我最爱的人
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