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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 23:49:54
何谓second repecuting scargles maghoe millen和jagular
let me answer that very deeply,because i feel very strongly about it.the greatest divisions this nation has ever seen were the conflicts of trade unions towards the end of a labour government.terrible conflicts that trade union movement then was under the dictator of trade union bosses some of whom are still there.they use their power against their members,they made them come out on strike when they didn't want to.they loved second repecuting.they went and demonstrate it outside companies where there was no dispute for whatsoever and sometimes close them down.they were acting as they were later in the coal strike before my whold trade union loss were through this government.they were out to use their power to hold a nation to ransom,to stop power from getting to the whole of manufacturing industry,to damage people's jobs,to stop power from getting to every house in the country,power,heat and light to every housewife,every child,every school,every pensioner,you want divison,you want conflict,you want hatred,there it was.it was that which faturism if you call it that.try to stop,one moment,not by arrogance,but by giving power to the ordinary decent honorable trade union member who didn't go on to go on strke.by giving power to him over the scargles of this world.all those loss went through when we had the coal strike.that is one conflict.that has gone.now another one,i believe passionately that people had a right by their own efforts to benefit their own families,so we have taken down taxation.it doesn't matter to me who you are or what your background is.if you want to use your own efforts to work harder,yes,i am with you all the way.whether it is unskilled effort whether it is skilled.and so we've taken the income tax down.and the third thing,all my predecessors,yes i read this really,yes maghoe millen,i would say ,i am right in their tradition,it was this really one nation,we have an increase of home ownership,the heart of the family,
中间采访者打断时说:can we get under this question please,prime minister.because well i know that.we are not having a party policital broadcast here,we are having an interview which must depend on me asking some questions occasionally.
之后撒切尔说:you asked me what the fundamental thing is.i must beg you.please,yes you asked what i know.you called the gut question.right.it's gone to the gut,it's gone to the jagular,let me finish it.more home ownership,far more share ownership.far more savings and building society accounts.this is what is building a one nation,as every owner becomes a share holder,as more and more people own their homes,no ,we are getting rid of the divisions,we are replacing conflicts with cooperation.we are building one nation through wider property-owning democracy.right please go ahead.
你说的 second repecuting scargles maghoe millen和jagular
应该是second replicating,scarred goals和juggler,第三个不用管,是人名而已.
second replicating是指工会领导喜欢反复去罢工,scarred goals 是指残缺的目标,juggler是指骗子,因为撒切尔后来提到的就是工会这些骗子.