作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 23:24:26
Ⅲ. 单项选择 (共10小题,计10分) 21. He is athletic boy. You can't imagine he can even play piano well. Everyone loses himself in his music. A. a, the B. an, the C. an, / D. the, the 22. Look at the children over there. Although they are only six they can look after A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. themselves 23. ---May I use your calculator when we have the math test? --- I'm afraid you . I need it myself. A. may not B. can't C. don't D. needn't 24. do you go to see your dentist ? --- Four times a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How many times D. How long 25. The girl is very serious about her study. She never goes to sleep _ she finishes her homework. A. after B. when 、C. until D.as 26. As for chores doing the dishes is than doing the laundry for me. A. more easy B. much easy C. more easier D. much easier 27. We are new here. No one knows A. where is the train station B. which is the way to the train station C. where can we find the train station D. how can we get to the train station 28. Although he _ to go to the concert, he didn't show up. Nobody knows why. A.asks B. is asking C. is ask D. was asked 29. To make his dream to be a writer come true, he articies for magazines and newspaper first in the next three years A. writes B. wrote C. is going to write D. has written 30. No one can succeed easily working hard. A. besides B. with C. without D. and
解题思路: 在平时的学习中,注意积累一些固定短语和固定句型。
21.B athletic 以元音开头; 乐器前要加the. 22.D 主语为they . 23.B 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.C