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avoid 和 admit 的用法啊

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 08:38:40
avoid 和 admit 的用法啊
avoid 和 admit 的用法啊
admit 的用法 1.表示“承认”,注意以下用法:(1) 一般为及物动词,直接跟宾语;表示向某人承认用介词 to:He admitted his mistake.他承认了他的错误.He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong.他向老师承认他错了.This meant admitting defeat.这就意味着承认失败了.但有时也用作不及物动词,此时一般后接介词 to:He admitted to the murder.他供认了谋杀罪.He admitted to having taken the money.他承认拿了那笔钱.由于admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略.(2) 后接动词时,要用动名词而不用不定式:She admitted having read the letter.她承认读过这封信.I admit breaking the window.我承认打破了窗子.(3) 可后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be:They admitted him to be mad.他们承认他疯了.You must admit the task to be difficult.你们得承认任务是艰巨的.偶尔接其它形式的复合宾语:He admitted himself a failure.他承认失败.He admitted himself beaten.他承认输了.(4) 有时用于插入语中:This,I admit,was wrong.我承认这错了.2.表示“允许进入”、“使能进入”,注意以下用法:(1) 通常只用作及物动词:This ticket admits one person only.此券只准一人入场.There were no windows to admit air.没有窗子可使空气流入.可用于引申义,表示允许进入某一组织、机构、学校、团体等:They admitted him to [into] their organization.他们接受他参加了他们的组织.How many students have been admitted into the school this year?今年这所学校有多少学生入学?试比较 (注意介词不同):He was admitted to [into] the Party.他被吸收入党.He was admitted as a Party member.他被接纳为党员.(2) 往往含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter,go in 之类的词连用:他打开门让我进了屋.正:He opened the door and admitted me into the house.误:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house.3.用于admit of,意为“容许”、“有…的可能”、“有…的余地” (此时句子主语通常是物而不是人):The matter admits of no delay.这事刻不容缓.The word admits of no other meaning in the case.这个词在此例中不可能有别的意思.avoid的基本含义 vt.【法律】宣布(判决、抗辩等)无效;使无效;废止,撤销:例句:to avoid a contract 使合同无效 躲开,避开(人、事物、地方),回避:例句:to avoid a person 避开某人 to avoid crowds 避开人群 to avoid taxes 逃税 to avoid danger 避开危险事物 避免,使免于;防止(出现):例句:to avoid breakage 使免于破损 He managed to avoid being punished.他设法逃脱了惩罚.to avoid falling 防止摔倒 [废语]使空出,倒空,把…倒出;把…排出,放出 [废语]离开,从…离开;驱逐,逐出 近义词:escape 短语:avoid someone (或something) like the plague竭力避免(接触)某人(或某物)(因极其害怕或厌恶) avoid的用法例句 Avoid using credit cards.避免使用信用卡.www.xlmz.net So we say,we must understand life and avoid death.所以,我们说,我们必须理解生命,回避死亡.www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn Now,2012… where can I go to avoid it all?Please can I move to China?那么,2012--我跑到哪里才可以完全的避开它?请问我能搬到中国去吗?