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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/31 04:58:36
在东北虎林园的办公楼附近,有一块禁地—存放死虎尸体的冷库,记者没被允许进入.据悉,从 1993年开始至今,这里已经耗费了巨额的资金.而在这里价值连城的死虎,正在随着时间的推移缩减着它的价值.
“虎园曾经有一只东北虎的前爪骨折了,它就自己趴在那儿用舌头舔,结果20天左右就好了.” 王立刚介绍,“据说虎骨、虎内脏等都可以入药,药方达1000多种.虎园周围的市民甚至经常会来索要虎粪、虎尿当药引子.一个人将新鲜的虎粪糊在膝盖上,几次以后,他的风湿就好了.”
According to leaks from insiders, a study group of four specialists from the U.S., Britain, India and Australia had visited the Siberian Tiger Zoo in 2006; they were taken aback after conducting a meticulous investigation and survey on the Zoo’s setup, veterinary hospital, tiger archives, etc.
The specialists learned that the Zoo started with only twenty Siberian tigers in captivity, after 20 years of painstaking effort, it had fumbled out a full set of scientific breeding management approach for the Siberian tigers, they unfeignedly commented, ”Every tiger has its own detailed file that records its daily activities. Even the best mating arrangement can be determined by a computer. With such an excellent breeding of Siberian tigers, it would be too hard on China if it is not allowed to utilize the dead tigers. ”
在东北虎林园的办公楼附近,有一块禁地—存放死虎尸体的冷库,记者没被允许进入.据悉,从 1993年开始至今,这里已经耗费了巨额的资金.而在这里价值连城的死虎,正在随着时间的推移缩减着它的价值.
The reporter was not permitted to enter a restricted area near the office building of the Zoo, a cold storage for dead tigers. It is learned that a huge amount of money has been spent on the invaluable dead tigers here since 1993, but its value is shrinking with the passage of time.
It is understood that when the sales of tiger bones was banned in 1993, the value of its raw materials and medicines sequestrated and stored in various regions was estimated to reach 2 billion Yuan. All tiger products are not allowed to be used, particularly the trading of them. With the development of the tiger breeding industry, the growing number of tiger bodies from natural death becomes a hot potato for the industry.
The assistant Dean of Wildlife Resources Institute of Northeast Forestry University, Zhang Wei told China Economic Weekly, ”The dead tigers cannot be simply thrown away or sold, and they have to be stored in freezers and guarded by watchmen 24 hours a day. If anything happens to them, the related people will be severely accounted for the responsibility. ”
According to the China Economic Weekly, in over twenty years of breeding period in the Siberian tiger breeding base, a total of more than two hundred tigers had died; all the carcasses of these tigers are kept frozen in the zoo’s freezers, among which the longest has been frozen for ten-odd years.
Dead tiger meat can be buried but not be sold.
“We had handled the tiger meat before because its shelf life expires after six months; coupled with our limited capacity in keeping them any further, we had no choice but to bury them in the suburbs.” A deeply regretted look was on the face of Wang Ligang as he related the incident. He said that someone had approached him at that time and offered to buy the meat at 7000Yuan per Kilogram, but he couldn’t violet the laws. ”We had buried five truck loads of Siberian tiger meat just on that occasion.”
A veteran Chinese medical practitioner told the reporter, ”No part of a tiger goes to waste; among which the tiger bones had been used as an important Chinese medicine for a thousand years. ” Many Chinese medicine factories manufactured medicinal products with tiger bones before 1993, especially the renowned tiger-bone liquor; it was on sales in shops everywhere.
Owing to the ban, Siberian tiger is no longer included in the ‘Chinese Pharmacopoeia’, so those medicines with tiger-related prescriptions have basically vanished from the market, or they are substituted by leopards or lions.
“虎园曾经有一只东北虎的前爪骨折了,它就自己趴在那儿用舌头舔,结果20天左右就好了.” 王立刚介绍,“据说虎骨、虎内脏等都可以入药,药方达1000多种.虎园周围的市民甚至经常会来索要虎粪、虎尿当药引子.一个人将新鲜的虎粪糊在膝盖上,几次以后,他的风湿就好了.”
The curative effects of leopard and lion substitutes are far less than that of Siberian tiger.
“Once there was a tiger in our zoo, it had suffered a bone fracture in the front paw, it just stayed down and licked the paw with its tongue; the paw was healed after about twenty days,” Wang Ligang said, ”It is said that the bones and internal organs of tiger can be used as medicines, there’re about a thousand prescriptions. People staying around the zoo used to come here asking for tiger feces, they used them for enhancing the efficacy of their medicines. There was one guy who applied fresh tiger dung on his knees, his rheumatism was cured after a few applications. ”
And that veteran Chinese medical practitioner who declined to be named, explained that only two to three grams of tiger bones were needed each time, some even needed less than 0.1 gram.
“Generally speaking, Siberian tigers that had died of illness cannot be used as medicine, but their coats and internal organs can be preserved for making specimens. Those tigers which died from natural death and injuries sustained in fights are invaluable; but their efficacy gradually diminishes due to the storage period,” Wang Ligang said,” In recent years, we had been receiving visitors or phone calls from various museums, popular science halls, universities and colleges, youth palaces and research institutes, requesting to buy tiger coats for making specimens and carrying out education on EP and popular sciences. ”
“The original intention to ban the use of dead tigers was to protect Siberian tigers from being hunted and killed; but the result of the ban has accelerated the extinction of wild tigers and shot up the smuggled prices. On the contrary, huge amount of national assets are disappearing in our tiger zoo; we are obliged to ponder about this,” Wang expressed his bewilderment, ”What we want to do is to make use of these dead tigers to work for the benefits of the living tigers. All this while however, this has been an irresolvable contradiction.”