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she was dancing with a student,he had a slight limp(改定语从句)应该

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 20:15:43
she was dancing with a student,he had a slight limp(改定语从句)应该怎么改呢!
she was dancing with a student,he had a slight limp(改定语从句)应该
she was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.
再问: 他是特指那个学生握,可以改成he had a slight limp which she was dancing with a sthdent 吗
再答: 我知道啊,这是一个定语从句,这里的who就是指代student who had a slight limp是修饰student的 这句话的意思是:她(当时)正跟一名有轻微跛脚的学生跳舞。 不可以改成你这样的,定语从句一般都是紧跟在被修饰的词后面。 假如用he had a slight limp作为主句的话,要这么改: The student who had a slight limp was dancing with her. 这名有点跛脚的学生当时正跟她在跳舞。 人是不可以用which指代的,一般用who, that有时候也可以
再问: 按照我这题目也可以改成The student who had a slight limp was dancing with her. 而不遗背句子本意吧
再答: 不可以啊,我不是已经在前面回答过你了吗? 你这句子有好几处问题 1. 定语从句要紧跟在被修饰词后面,你这个句子中,which she was dancing with修饰he的,但跟在limp后面,所以不对 2. which不能用于指代人 3. 定语从句中的which作为关系代词,在从句中是充当一定成分的,就算which she was dancing with a sthdent 正确,which是作为With的宾语,所以student是多余的。
再问: 改成这个The student who had a slight limp was dancing with her.
再答: 我只能说意思不错,但假如考试这么改的话,可能你就会丢分了 一般改定语从句是不能改变句子的结构的,she was dancing with a student 这里student是with的宾语,假如你这么改的话,student变成了主语,所以把句子结构改了啊。
再问: 完全明白!谢谢大虾!