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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 01:28:37
Background knowledge is an important factor that influences comprehension.Current views on listening comprehension agree that background or prior knowledge can affect listening comprehension.Cultural background knowledge,history and customs are important ones that can affect listening comprehension.
“Language is a kind of cultural expression.It is very necessary for students to know some background about English countries,such as the history,culture,customs and habits,even life styles.” [6] “Gaps in our knowledge of second language culture,of the associations and references available to native users,can present obstacles to comprehension.” [7] Many students are lack of these kinds of knowledge,so they think listening is very difficult.
For example,there are two materials of the same difficulty.One explains something about China’s Spring Festival; the other is about Thanks Giving Day of the west countries.The former is easy to understand but the latter is more difficult,why?It is clear that the students know little about the latter.
2.1.3 Motivation affecting listening
Of equal importance to the above factors is the listener’s purpose in listening.If the reason for listening is clear,comprehension becomes an easier task.For instance,“In order to check if the favorite radio program is on,as in Anderson and Lynch’s example,all the complex language input will not be taken to be comprehended.” [8] So one’s Motivation also plays an important role in listening comprehension.
2.1.4 Psychological factors
Psychological barriers mainly reflect in two aspects:the state of being too nervous or the state of being unable to focus one’s attention during listening.In regular listening practice,some students can’t concentrate on the listening content.Instead,they are absent-minded,wandering away,though they still wear their earphones.Such a state of listening,even lasting for only a few seconds,will result in broken listening,which,of course,will affect comprehension result.Some students are easy to be distracted because of being fatigued after listening for a long period.Anxiety often occurs in examination.Some students are too eager to get high marks but they are also afraid that they can’t adjust themselves to the listening material and the delivery rate.So they become too nervous and blank-minded.
英语翻译我刚注册没多久...也不知道怎么赚分...我把能放上来的分都放上来了...我要写英文简历了...因为怕有语法错而 英语翻译The wooden bowl 的文章翻译,注意是文章,最好把文章也放上来,一段文章,一段翻译.我分给你很多 这个物理图怎么画?希望你们把此图保存下来,用画图软件画好再发上来,否则我还是不会的、 英语翻译只支持人工翻译哦!用机器译的就不要复制上来了!因为这样我也就不用你的帮忙了——我也会用软件翻译啊!广州是珠江沿岸 一道智力推理题没办法把题弄上来,这baidu给的字数限制太小了啊。郁闷死~ 英语翻译补充:well是 不妨,倒不如 的意思 请不要把百度翻译或谷歌与有道翻译搬上来,我已经看过了若很好的话会给25财 英语翻译我自己翻译的,总觉得不够贴切不是我写的,就是太怪,才放上来问问,我朋友的MSN签名,我又不敢问朋友,因为他失恋了 英语翻译再加一句:“我把那些已逝世界上的繁荣带到我的世界上来.”也用法语翻译, 改变人生的批注 文章你们去找一下。会有。我字数发不上来。好的我会加50分。画直线的句子照应了文中的哪句话?第⑥段中加点词 英语翻译翻译下~我知道答案了:亲爱的伱不会懂的,其实我放不下.你们翻译的,自己没觉得有什么问题么,一点也不通! 贝壳吃什么?河里捞上来的.我把它放在盆里,已经有一段时间了.我该怎么办? 英语翻译我要的是王翰的【翻译】不是要混水摸鱼的!