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以“I love china”为题写一篇短文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 18:41:53
以“I love china”为题写一篇短文
以“I love china”为题写一篇短文
我们的祖国,拥有五千年的文化、辽阔的土地和壮丽的河山,也有一段不可磨灭的阴影。 1931年9月18日,日军开始了侵华行动,疯狂地欺凌中国人,烧杀抢掠无恶不作,简直丧心病狂,罪行罄竹难书,令人发指。腐败的中国政府无能为力,中国度过了一段黑暗的时光。 新中国的成立唤醒了沉睡千年的东方雄狮,以日新月异的发展赢得了世界的关注和尊重。现在,祖国壮丽的山河要由我们来保护!长江、长城、黄山、黄河,我们不能再让它们受到侵犯!那些流传千古的唐诗宋词与中华五千年的灿烂文化将由我们来传承!走出时代的阴影,让我们翻开中国历史上新的一页! 神五、神六,以及马上就要升空的神七,他们见证了祖国的日益强大;圆满闭幕的奥运会,说明了中国和世界的接轨。 这是一个除旧立新的中国;这是一个热血沸腾的中国;这是一个如日中天的中国!让我们牢记祖国蒙受的屈辱,不忘她创造的辉煌,大声喊出:“我爱中国!” Our country has a culture of five thousand years, vast land and magnificent rivers and mountains, there are some indelible shadow. September 18, 1931, the Japanese began to invade China, frantically bullying the Chinese people, burning and looting evil is simply insane, crime countless anger. Corruption, the Chinese government could do nothing about China through a period of dark time. The establishment of New China, the Orient awakened the sleeping lion millennium in order to win the rapid development of the world's attention and respect. Now, the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland is up to us to protect! Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Huangshan, the Yellow River, we can not allow them to have been violated! Poetry that circulated through the ages and China five thousand years of splendid culture heritage from us! Out of the shadow of the times, let us turn a new page in the history of China! Shenzhou, Shenzhou VI, and the imminent launch of the Shenzhou VII, who witnessed the country's rising power; successfully concluded Olympic Games, shows the connection of China and the world. This is an addition to the old establishment of new China; this is a great enthusiasm for China; this is a budding Chinese! Let us remember the humiliation suffered by the motherland, not forgetting her brilliant creation, loudly shouted: "I love China!"