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英语翻译work for 2 to 3 years,and become a rich man.you will hav

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 22:17:41
work for 2 to 3 years,and become a rich man.you will have many girls run after you.I wonder how you learned english?your english is pretty good.if say,your english is as good as an american,what you are going to do to change your life?will you become rich to be a translator or interpreter?you are going to work for someone else,right?if you translate,you make money.if you don't translate,will you make money?translator or interpreter work for jobs,which pay by time.so,you never make huge money.some people don't have time but have money.
for example,people own traditional business,like resturant.I know a lady,her resturant makes good money but she was so tired ,she got cancer,she was going to die.do you see homeless people.they have plenty of time but no money.some peole have nothing,no money no time.you work at low wage but still don't have money.what kind of people have money and time.those,whose businesses are repeatable.I teach people how to sell.they don't need me any more.when I sleep,the money comes in.you have to find a business,which is repeatable.repeatable by itself.
then,your have the residual income.you need to work a few years,to build the network.
英语翻译work for 2 to 3 years,and become a rich man.you will hav
工作三两年,你将极其富有.会有很多女孩对你投怀送抱.我很好奇你是怎么学的英语?你的英语简直太棒了!如果说你的英语已经说得和美国人一样地道,你会怎样来改变你的生活呢?你会使从事翻译或口译行业?你会为别人工作的 对吗?你做翻译,赚很多钱.如果你不从事翻译,你还能赚到钱么?译员是按小时获取薪水的.所以你不可赚到大钱.有一些人,他们没有时间,仅有钱.