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英译汉 My dad was a man of few words,and never lectured me on t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/27 00:23:46
英译汉 My dad was a man of few words,and never lectured me on the values of determination,
perseverance,and faith,The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done.
英译汉 My dad was a man of few words,and never lectured me on t
我杜琴是一个不大爱说话的 人,他从未教过我意志力,耐性和信念这些有多少意义.这酸菜罐教授给我的所有这些美德远比那些华丽的辞藻带来的更具有表现力.