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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 02:19:29
提供 : 写校园生活(穿校服、带手机的利弊,校园概述,喜欢的科目,课外活动等)好句至少10句。
解题思路: 如下:
科技发展是多方面的,过分的追赶科技潮流就如同过分追求时尚一样,带手机进学校 有很多不利的方面。如干扰课堂,秩序借“机”作弊初露端倪 ,加重家长经济负担 , 损害学生身心健康,使学生形成攀比心理,分散学生注意力,影响学生学习等。 所以,手机进校园弊大于利,这种现象要受到广大师生的关注。 The development of science and technology is many sided, excessive catch the trend of science and technology as the excessive pursuit of fashion, with mobile phone in the schoolThere are a lot of negative aspects of. Such as interference class, order by" machine" cheating the horizon, exacerbation of parents' economic burden,Damage to physical and mental health of students, make students form the psychological treatment, dispersed the attention of students, students learning effects.
Therefore, mobile phone into the campus to do more harm than good, this phenomenon is subject to the majority of the teachers and students pay attention to.