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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 13:34:06
UNICEF ['ju:nisef] 基本释义abbr. 联合国儿童基金会(等于United Nations International Children'sEmergency Fund)
UNICEF,its full name is United Nations International Children'sEmergency Fund. It is a famous orgnization that raising funds by selling cards and other activities. It covers one hundred and sity one countrise and regions, help governments and families to create a brighter world for children. Linda is one of those kids who gets help form the UNICEF.She is from India,born and bred in a poor family. Her parents are both out of work, so she has to work on the farm for all day. What is worse, she cannot read and write. As a result of that, Linda really wants to go back to school. Later, a staff of the UNICE heard of her story, then he visited her house and brought books to her. This gave Linda a great hope. Now she returns to school and studies hard. She has an exellent performance in every course. And her dream is to be a techer in the future to help more children.