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翻译一篇小短文To show endearment,English people tend to use pet nam

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 06:16:28
To show endearment,English people
tend to use pet names(infant names or childhood names).They shorten men’s
nams like Alfred into Alf;Alexander into Alec or Alex;David into Dave or
Davy.In English,the suffix “-y” or “-ie” shows endearment.In China
people have the similar customs,but they like to give pet names which are
not related to the child’s given name.For instance,a boy named “奇” can
be called “毛毛” in his family.People also like to add “- 子”,“-崽”,
“-娃子” after a boy’s given name, or add “-妹” after a girl’s name.
>        When some English first names
are put together,they many have special meanings. “Tom,Dick and Harry”
refers to “ordinary people”;”Darby and Joan” means “a pair of
happy,aged couple”.Chinses also has this kind of usage,such as “张三李四”
means “ordinary people”;“陈世美” refers to a man who betrayed his
翻译一篇小短文To show endearment,English people tend to use pet nam