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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 15:56:11
It is reported that over 300 million people in China are suffering from near-sightedness. As more children have got _26___trouble ,their parents hope to cure the disease by medicine, equipment or by correcting the way children__27____ and sit .But in fact the__28___ given to one’s eyes should start with the___29____ on one’s feet .Three_30_____ on how to protect are as follows: Firstly ,don’t fasten your shoes too tightly .Try wearing loose shoes and _31___or walking bare-footed at home. When traveling ,try wearing cloth shoes so as to make blood circulation(血液循环)_32___.
Secondly walking on tiptoes will help ___33____one’s eyesight and prevent near-sightedness. Figures tell that__34___ ballet(芭蕾舞) performers are near-sighted .
Thirdly ,rope skipping (跳绳)__35_____does good to one’s eyesight. When skipping the rope ,one _36______react(反应)quickly, which excites the 37_____as well as the eyes .Besides 38___exercises, it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times is __39_____to be an effective(有效)___40___ to reduce the pressure(压力) on one’s eyes soon.
26.A.Life B. school C. head D. eye
27. A. play B. move C. study D. read

28.A.money B. care C. books D. glasses
29.A. exercise B. shoe C. football D. stockings
30A.pictures B. sentences C. methods D. facts
31. A. clothes B. socks C. trousers D. shirts
32.A.faster B. cleaner C. harder D. easier
33.A. open B. improve C. lose D. cut
34.A.some B. many C. few D. none
35.A. hardly B. also C. still D. never
36.A. has to B. can C. is going to D. stops to
37.A. body B. brain C. legs D. heart
38 A. hand B. foot C. head D. ear
39.A. made B. played C. liked D. found
40.A.idea B. sport C. game D. way
解题思路: 见下
It is reported that over 300 million people in China are suffering from near-sightedness. As more children have got _26___trouble ,their parents hope to cure the disease by medicine, equipment or by correcting the way children__27____ and sit .But in fact the__28___ given to one’s eyes should start with the___29____ on one’s feet .Three_30_____ on how to protect are as follows: Firstly ,don’t fasten your shoes too tightly .Try wearing loose shoes and _31___or walking bare-footed at home. When traveling ,try wearing cloth shoes so as to make blood circulation(血液循环)_32___.
Secondly walking on tiptoes will help ___33____one’s eyesight and prevent near-sightedness. Figures tell that__34___ ballet(芭蕾舞) performers are near-sighted .
Thirdly ,rope skipping (跳绳)__35_____does good to one’s eyesight. When skipping the rope ,one _36______react(反应)quickly, which excites the 37_____as well as the eyes .Besides 38___exercises, it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times is __39_____to be an effective(有效)___40___ to reduce the pressure(压力) on one’s eyes soon.
26.A.Life B. school C. head D. eye 根据near-sightedness(近视),说明是眼睛问题。
27. A. play B. move C. study D. read 读书的姿势影响视力,所以选择read
28.A.money B. care C. books D. glasses 给眼睛的关心始于脚的锻炼。Care“关心”
29.A. exercise B. shoe C. football D. stockings 锻炼
30A.pictures B. sentences C. methods D. facts 根据下文例举的3个方法,所以选择methods“方法”
31. A. clothes B. socks C. trousers D. shirts 与脚有关的是鞋和袜,socks“短袜”
32.A.faster B. cleaner C. harder D. easier
33.A. open B. improve C. lose D. cut 踮脚走路将有助于改善视力,阻止近视
34.A.some B. many C. few D. none 根据芭蕾舞演员的特点,应该是很少有芭蕾舞演员近视
35.A. hardly B. also C. still D. never
36.A. has to B. can C. is going to D. stops to 跳绳的时候,人必须快速反应
37.A. body B. brain C. legs D. heart 快速反应是与大脑有关的
38 A. hand B. foot C. head D. ear
39.A. made B. played C. liked D. found
40.A.idea B. sport C. game D. way拉拽耳朵被发现对减少眼睛的压力很有好处。