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英语选择题(2)if you want to throw your life away,so__it,it is you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 01:59:42
if you want to throw your life away,so__it,it is your life,not mine.
A be B been C is D being
he never really succeeded in his ambitions.He might visit the current exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum.
A were B had been C should have been D should be
英语选择题(2)if you want to throw your life away,so__it,it is you
if you want to throw your life away, so__it, it is your life, not mine.
A be B been C is D being
析:这是虚拟语气的一种用法.主句是it is your life, not mine.
so be it,是虚拟条件句,通过倒装省略了if.是前一个条件句的更正和重复.
再问: 不好意思,不小心提了两次。。 第二题问题也错了 不是让翻译,是选择题,关于虚拟语气 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/348265759.html?fr=im100009#replyask-32472477 你就随便答答吧,要不这50分就浪费了
再答: 其实我前面答了,只是提交晚了。后没有保存。
再问: 第一个为什么不选D呢?
再答: 答案在前面。我还要找几个be用于虚拟语气的例子。原来找好的了。等一下。
再问: 我下午就回来采纳,这会儿该上课去了,不好意思,让你久等了
再答: 这题句很有意思。一句中连续有两个从句! Be 用于虚拟语气,倒装省略if的例句: Be it proclaimed in all the schools, Plato was right! 我再次找了网上的一些例子,感觉这句话给人搞乱了。我前面的分析很可能是建立在错误的句子的基础上的!原句很可能是两句话: If you want to throw your life away, so_be_it! It is your life, not mine. 译:如果你想抛弃你的生话,那就抛弃它吧!反正那是你的生活,又不是我的!。 我在一个人的博客中找到类似的一句话: if you want to throw your life away then so be it. dont try talking to me. 感觉就是这个意思。原以为题目选项中有so do it!的,可惜没有。 你这句话的出处是一个人举的一个例子,可能有误: so be it 是惯用用法,意“诚心所愿;顺其自然,就那样吧” 这题句中不应该是虚拟语气,就是“那就这样吧”的意思。上句中的标点有问题。 eg. If you were offended,so be it.得罪了你就得罪了你 第二题知道你打错了,你后面还是打错了。正确的句子是: A: He never really succeeded in his ambitions. B: No. He might have done, if it had not been for the restlessness of his nature. 你的题目原本没有那个one left的,所以我去搜索原题(原句) He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He might have done , ___for the restlessness of his nature. A hadn't it been B had it not been C weren't it D were it not 答:B。 译:他的抱负从来没有真正实现过。要不是因为他天性中的不安宁,他可能已经实现了。 析:had it not been for ...= if it had not been for ...可以换成but for..., 通过倒装省略虚拟语气条件句中的if, 从主句might have done,知道是对过去情况的假设,排除CD。 A这样的形式用于反问,不用于虚拟条件句。 经搜索,发现你后来的题目确实打错了,不是one left, 而是one felt ! He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He might have done, one felt, had it not been for the restlessness of his nature. 他雄心勃勃,但从未如愿以偿。人们觉得,要不是他那贪得无厌的本性,他可能已经成功了。one felt,插入语!
再问: 第一题确实只是一句话,没有打错哦~ 感谢你找了这么多资料,举了这么多例子~ 不过我还在纠结选being... 第二题手误,应该就是felt,=。= 感谢你这么用心地回答~
再答: 告诉你,第一句话绝对是so be it.我找到了原文的出处。可是知道不给上链接。要不我hi你好了。