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Paul lives in a small town in China.He will 1 a long holiday

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 00:09:52
Paul lives in a small town in China.He will 1 a long holiday."Why not 2 t
Paul lives in a small town in China.He will 1 a long holiday.“Why not 2 to a foreign (外国的) country?” He says to himself.“All of my friends 3 England very much.I’d like to go there ,too.”Two days later,Paul 4 London.He wants to stay in small hotel 5 some days.
“How about going out for a walk?I’m sure it’s 6 .”In China people drive on the 7 ,but in England they drive on the left.Paul 8 about this.When he crosses a busy street,a bicycle knocks him down.Paul 9 on the ground for some minutes.Then he sits up and asks,“Where am ”
An old man walks to Paul and 10 ,“Map of the city,sir?”
( ) 1.A.has B.have C.holds D.hold
( ) 2.A.go B.to go C.come D.to come
( ) 3.A.is like B.are like C.don’t like D.like
( ) 4.A.arrives B.arrives at C.gets to D.arrives to
( ) 5.A.on B.in C.with D.for
( ) 6.A.fun B.many fun C.a fun D.a lot fun
( ) 7.A.road B.street C.right D.left
( ) 8.A.forget B.forgets C.will forget D.is forgetting
( ) 9.A.lies B.stands C.sits D.sleeps
( ) 10.A.tells B.speaks C.asks D.answers
Paul lives in a small town in China.He will 1 a long holiday
B will后面加动词原形
A why not + 动词原形,表示提意见,而且去别的国家用go
D. like 是喜欢的意思
C. get to 到达的意思,而arrive at是到达小地点,到达伦敦应该用arrive in
D for + 一段时间
A fun 是形容词,有趣的意思
C 根据句意,中国人在右侧通行,用on the right
B Paul是第三人称单数,作主语时谓语动词用单三形式
A 根据句意,他被撞倒了,躺在地上
D answers是回答的意思,因为他问完之后,对方回答