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on the weekend,I will look less smart,but I'll be more comfo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 03:15:18
on the weekend,I will look less smart,but I'll be more comfortable!这里的less是什么用法呢?不是在比较极里才用吗?这个句子?再说smart比较级加er吧
on the weekend,I will look less smart,but I'll be more comfo
on the weekend,I will look less smart,but I'll be more comfortable.
很明显前后两句是在用比较级作对比:less (有否定含义) 和more 更少···、更多···
类似的有:The more···,the more··· 译为“越什么,越什么”如:The more you eat,the more you will be fat.
再问: 那less smart是什么情况?less后不是加多音节词吗?谢谢你
再答: 1.less (常被看作是little的比较级 little,less,least),less后面可加单音节词或多音节词 adj.较少的;较小的;较次的;较不重要的 adv.较少地,较小地 prep.减去;少掉;不足 n.较少,较小 例句:People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.(单) Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.(多) 2.从句子结构看,I will look less smart 是"主语I+系动词look+表语smart"结构,less在此作副词用来修饰形容词smart,如:rather tall,very good (副词+形容词)
再问: 那这里less smart,more comfortable,还是比较级的用法吗?那还是less在这里单作副词不表示比较级
再答: 从句意上理解,作比较级,形成前后对比less smart和more comfortable; 从句子成分的角度分析的话,less在此的成分是作副词用来修饰形容词smart,个人意见,仅供参考。
再问: 哦我明白了,副词形式的less smart,在句子中构成弱级的比较,对不!老师.