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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 18:14:22
People may say I’m a powerful person.They say I have a dominated attitude in life.However,in general,men control everything in our society.Women and Men play this kind of traditional way many years.In many people’s opinion,men have to work to support family’s expense,and women have to do a lot of housework to make family comfortable.This traditional way hasn’t changed for a long time.That’s the reason I cannot understand Laura.I don’t know why she would want to find her independent life style and her own pursue.In our society’s value,it’s forbidden that women leave family and want to independent without her husband’s permit.Women should be royally to her family.She cannot leave the family to go against most of people’s value.
Maybe many people don’t understand me.However,in 1900s century,everything that I do for Larua is very common in the world.Compared with me,many husbands maybe don’t allow their wives touch the family’s money issue.I have already given my wife Laura a lot of freedom.However,she still doesn’t understand me and leave me.I cannot give her absolutely freedom to pursue her life,because it’s against my domination and our society’s value and ethic.I do everything for Laura.Therefore,if I change my life and my attitude,I won’t get the manager of the bank.I don’t want to change my life and attitude because it’s suitable for our society.
感觉很不咋的,不过时间太紧了,帮忙改通顺点谢.是 玩偶之家 男主角的讨论.,不过这不是关键问题.
People may say I’m a powerful person.They say I have a dominated attitude in life.However,in general,men control everything in our society.Women and Men play this kind of traditional way for many years.In many people’s opinion,men have to work to support family’s expense,and women have to do a lot of housework to make the family comfortable.This traditional way hasn’t changed for a long time.That’s the reason I cannot understand Laura.I don’t know why she would want to find her independent life style and her own pursue.Our society’s value forbids women to leave the family and pursuit independence without her husband’s permit.Women should be loyal to her family.She cannot leave the family to go against most people’s value.
Maybe many people don’t understand me.However,in 1900s century,everything that I do for Larua is very common in the world.Compared with me,many husbands maybe don’t allow their wives to touch the family’s money.I have already given my wife Laura a lot of freedom.However,she still doesn’t understand me and leaves me.I cannot give her absolute freedom to pursue her life,because it’s against our social value and ethics.I do everything for Laura.Therefore,if I change my life and my attitude,I won’t become the manager of the bank.I don’t want to change my life and attitude because it’s suitable for our society.