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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/28 12:17:39
一天.Dick在公园看出.无意间发生了下面的事情.请你以Dick的身份简单叙述一下面发生的一切. 一天Dick去公园看书.随后来了一位叔叔,拿着报纸做到了Dick的旁边.他一边看报纸一边吃着东西.随后把吃过的垃圾随手一扔到了.Dick实在看不下去了.就把自己随时而带的帽子放到了这位叔叔的旁边.Dick还把"use the rubbish can"的牌子放到了这位叔叔的旁边.可是这位叔叔还是继续看着他的报纸继续随手而仍垃圾. 参考词汇:bench,sign,throw,litter,good/bad manners
One day Dick was reading books in a park.Suddenly showed up a man who sat next to Dick on the bench,with a piece of newspaper in his hands.While reading the newspaper,tha man was eating the food he brought.Then Dick felt surprised that the man should(竟然,表示惊讶) have thrown his garbage away.Dick could not bear to look at it.An idea popped into his head that he put his hat casually next to the man.What's more,he also put a sign with "use the rubbish can" next to him.To his surprise,the man kept doing his bad manners and throwing the garbage.