作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 12:29:59
Long long ago a rich man wanted to make a journey(旅行)to another town,He was a businessman(商人).He wanted to take things to sell here and to buy things with the money he got.He decided to take ten young men with him.They would carry (搬运)the things to sell and the food to eat on the journey.
He was a kind man.He said to Jim,one of his men,"You are the smallest and the thinnest of all.You can't carry a heavy load(担子).You may choose(选择)the lightest(最轻)load to carry."
Jim thanked and he walked to the biggest load.This was the food to eat on the journey.
"You are foolish(愚蠢的),"said the businessman."That is the biggest and heaviest load."But Jim lifted it up the happily and the journey began.They walked for four hours.Then they stopped for a rest.They all ate some food.Then there was less food for Jim to carry.Jim's load grew smaller and lighter every day.At the end of the journey,Jim had nothing to carry.
41. The businessman wanted to ____ in another town.
A.busy food B.sell food C.sell things
42.The businessman wanted Jim to carry the lightest load because ______.
A.he liked Jim very much
  B.Jim was the smallest and thinnest of all
C.Jim was a child
43.Jim chose the food load because ______.
A.he didn't know it was the heaviest Load
B.he wanted to carry the heaviest load
C.he knew it would become lighter and lighter on the way
44.When they got to town,________.
  A.Jim didn't have anything to carry
  B.Jim felt very tired
C.Jim's load became lighter
45.Jim was very ____.
A.clever B.foolish C.kind
c那个商人想去另一个城市干什么?见第二行He wanted to take things to sell here and to buy things with the money ;
a,At the end of the journey,Jim had nothing to carry.