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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 One important even

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 11:09:57
One important event during the pre-Christmas rush at our house was the arrival of my daughter’s kindergarten report card. She got great 1 for her reading, vocabulary and overall enthusiasm. On the other hand, we learnt that she has work to do on her numbers and computer skills, 2 her report is absent of any words that might be interpreted as 3 . A number system indicates how she’s measuring up in each area without any 4 of passing or failing.
The benefits are often debated when it comes to giving formal 5 to kids. At one level, the advantages and disadvantages are 6 . A grade system provides a straightforward 7 by which to measure how your child is progressing at school – and how they’re 8 compared to other children. 9 as writer Sue Ferguson notes, “Grades can deceive (欺骗).” The 10 should be “to measure learning, not simply what a student can recall on a test.”
If you’re old enough, you’ve lived through this 11 before. At one time, it was considered 12 to put children in direct competition with one another if it could be avoided. The 13 behind that may have been good, but it ignored the fact that 14 , and the will to come out on top, are 15 parts of the human condition.
This time around, educators working with a no-grades 16 are emphasizing different reasons. The thing is, that approach is much more commonplace in the * workplace than is the traditional pass-fail system we place on our children. Many workplaces 17 regular employee evaluations. There are usually fairly strict 18 to what an employer can tell an employee in those evaluations. And even then, negative evaluations can be 19 by the employee. No matter where you stand in the debate over the grade system, the real question is this: if it’s so good for kids, why isn’t that also 20 for *s?
1. A. attention B. comfort C. praise D. criticism
2. A. when B. unless C. though D. since
3. A. kind B. negative C. positive D. specific
4. A. advice B. doubt C. discussion D. mention
5. A. tasks B. grades C. instructions D. tests
6. A. important B. common C. obvious D. special
7. A. standard B. ruler C. view D. goal
8. A. taking in B. getting on C. moving along D. setting off
9. A. But B. So C. Thus D. Just
10. A. rule B. aim C. problem D. step
11. A. conclusion B. comment C. debate D. competition
12. A. boring B. dangerous C. necessary D. unfair
13. A. message B. intention C. faith D. truth
14. A. competition B. imagination C. knowledge D. talent
15. A. flexible B. difficult C. essential D. interesting
16. A. approach B. decision C. tradition D. suggestion
17. A. delay B. forbid C. avoid D. conduct
18. A. examplesB. limits C. expectations D. reasons
19. A. accepted B. returned C. challenged D. shared
20. A. certain B. flexible C. special D. true

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 One important even
解题思路: 解答网页故障,只能解答在“思路”栏,和“老师留言”里 CCBDB,CABAB, CDBAC, ADBCD