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英语翻译“If the Baby Boom generation retires from the labor forc

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:02:44
“If the Baby Boom generation retires from the labor force at the same rate and age as current older workers,the Baby Bust generation that follows will likely be too small to fill many of the projected new jobs,” Barry Bluestone,a professor at Northeastern University and co-author of the report,said.
"There's an enormous aging of the work force,with a very small increase in the 'prime age' work force," which is 18 to 54 or 64,Bluestone explained."That's a tiny group because it's all part of the Baby Bust generation."
The report,"After the Recovery:Help Needed," is based on projections for population growth,based on U.S.Census data,as well as forecasts for job growth and labor-force participation from the Labor Department.
英语翻译“If the Baby Boom generation retires from the labor forc
“假如人口激增的一代以和目前的老工人一样的比率和年龄从劳动力中退下来,紧接着的人口骤减的一代很可能太少而不能填补预计的新岗位,”东北大学的一位教授,也是这个报告的作者之一 Barry Bluestone说.
再问: 恩,是分开的,work force。。 那这句要怎么翻。。 And, Bluestone adds, they were conservative in their growth projections — projecting 1 percent per year, as opposed to growth of 2 percent or more in prior recoveries.
再答: 就是bluestone还说了一些话,指那些人的保守态度。您自己查查吧,我得挣积分去了。