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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 00:49:06
你的笔友AN来的中国后发现在中文学习过程中遇到了许多困难,她给你写信求助,请你从听说两方面给她几条合理化建议,字数100以上.Dear Ann Glac tohear from you Yousoyyou have some problems in leaning Chinese
Nowadays, there is a hot debate about whether college students should learn other courses, which are beyond their major. There are two main opinions. One supports this view, because it is good for students’ integrated development. But the other opposes students to take part in the courses beyond their major, because it is bad for students to be the person of outstanding ability. As far as I am concerned, I stand in the former side. My reasons are as following.如今,关于大学生是否应该参加专业以外的课程的讨论已引起激烈的辩论.主要有两种观点.一个是赞成方,因为这有助于学生全面发展.但是,反对方认为这不利于那些拥有杰出能力的学生.就我而言,我站在前者的角度.我的理由如下.On the one hand, taking part in the courses beyond students’ major can help they learn, to get more perfect preparation for their future. In the contemporary society, the definition for a talent is not only being outstanding on one field. It needs the people know the things in all field. Let me take a simple example, an English teacher still needs to have the ability to teach music, PE or drawing. This is the requirement for the new century talent. If students learn the knowledge beyond their major, they are supposed to be more close to that kind of talent. It is good for them to find a good job in the future and get adapt to the society easier. On the other hand, learn new courses that having no business of their study will not take up their time to study their major well. As time is limited, if students know that they have other classes to join, they will make the best use of their time to finish the task on their major. In the other word, it helps them become more efficiently. 一方面,参加专业以外的课程有助于他们的学习,为他们的未来做更好的准备.在现代社会人才的定义不仅仅是在一个领域有能力,还需要对各个领域有所了解.让我举个简单的例子,一个英语老师仍然需要教音乐,体育或者画画的能力.这就是新世纪人才的要求.如果学生学习专业以外的课程,他们就可以更接近这样的人才.这有助于他们将来找到好工作和适应社会.另一方面,学习与专业无关的新课程并不会占用他们用来学习专业课程的时间.由于时间有限,如果学生知道他们还要上别的课程,他们会充分利用自己的时间来完成专业上的任务.换句话说,有助于提高效率.In a word, taking part in the course beyond major is helpful for college students themselves. According to the reasons mention above, it can help students have a better preparation for the entering the society and improve their characteristics.总之,参加专业以外的课程有助于学生自己.综上所述,这可以帮助学生更好地为进入社会做准备以及完善性格.
你的笔友AN来的中国后发现在中文学习过程中遇到了许多困难,她给你写信求助,请你从听说两方面给她几条合理化建议,字数100 请给你的笔友mary写一封信,告诉她你在学习英语中遇到的困难及使用的方法 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Mary说她要来中国学习汉语,请你给她写信,1多听多读,2大胆自信,主动交流... 假如你是Mike.正在英国学习英语.你的朋友LinTao在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,向你求助.请你给... 假设你是李明,你的好朋友张玲在英语学习中遇到了一些困难.请你根据下面的提示写一封信,给她一些学英语的 高中英语作文题目假如你是李华.你的好友张佳给你来信说,她在交友过程中遇到了困难,请你根据一下内容给他写封信 并提出意见. 你的笔友李雷刚来信告诉你,他在学习英语的过程中碰到了很多困难,想放弃学习英语。请你给他写一封回信。 假如你是李华,你的笔友mary说她要来中国学习汉语,请你给她写一封信,简单陈述一下你的建议,要点如下... 你的朋友Tina在学习英语时遇到了困难,请你给她发一封e-mail,80词左右英作文 假设你是李华,你的朋友韩梅梅来信告诉你她在学习英语过程中遇到了一些困难.请根 初二英语作文:假如你是MARTIN ,你的笔友ALICE在给你的来信中说她经常生病,情绪低落.请你给她写封回信, 假如你是Martin,你的笔友Alice在给你的来信中说她经常生病,情绪低落.请你给她写封